Every season, Fortnite players are tasked with earning significant amounts of XP if they want to unlock all that the current Battle Pass has to offer, with Chapter 3 Season 3 being no different. Darth Vader is the top skin this season, so gamers naturally want to earn XP as fast as possible to get their hands on the interesting skin.
Chapter 3 Season 3 is the latest in a string of seasons where the game's XP system has been rather frustrating. In fact, according to the community, this season may be worse than most. For that reason, many gamers look for every opportunity to earn XP that they can find.
Often, this involves XP glitches or Creative Maps that offer loads of seasonal XP. Interestingly, a prominent Fortnite YouTuber has recently found a way to gain lots of XP, all while being AFK in the game.
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Fortnite player finds a way to gain lots of XP while doing nothing in Chapter 3 Season 3
Fortnite YouTuber Glitch King is a major online personality for all things related to Fortnite glitches. If there's a glitch in the game, it can probably be found on their channel as the dedicated content creator strives to find and share every glitch they can.
This also includes Creative Maps that offer nearly free XP. Sometimes, these are the results of a glitch, but other times, they are legitimate and can be used as a good alternative to the grind that is the generic Battle Royale mode.
While this case is technically a glitch, it will still reward loopers with lots of XP in a very short amount of time and also requires very little work from players.
The code for the Creative Map in question is: 2548-3248-3196. Players should do this in a private match, otherwise other gamers may make things difficult to complete.
Once loopers spawn on the map, they should head straight to the corner directly in front of them. However, they should stop at the second to last floor piece and begin building off the platform.
They should then go four floors out and see a blue shine on the screen. At this point, they must perform an emote. Following this, they will need to look for a floating button directly behind and across the platform, which they will need to interact with.
Doing so will put them in a new area of the map. Fortnite players can then run straight into a room with tomatoes in it, where they will also see two orange boxes. At the top of the second box, there is a button hidden away in the corner.
Interacting with this button will initiate the free flow of XP. In a matter of seconds, Glitch King received over 20,000 XP for simply standing there.

It's unclear exactly how long this will last, but this is clearly an easy and convenient to earn XP this season. However, since this is sort of a glitch, this Creative Map may be removed by Epic Games shortly.
The company prefers players to earn XP by completing challenges in the Battle Royale mode as opposed to standing around lazily in Creative, so it could be patched out at any point.