A Fortnite YouTuber has discovered a glitched rooftop on a house in Greasy Grove.
Typically, when a roof or other structure is hit with a pickaxe, it will begin to break and lose HP. It will also provide a target for players to attack that deals more damage and gives more materials.
Also, if everything attached to the roof is destroyed, it will break itself. However, YouTuber Kobes Shorts found a house in Greasy Grove that has a seemingly imperishable roof that will float in the air even if the house beneath it is gone.
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A Greasy Grove rooftop is glitched in Fortnite
Kobes Shorts starts the video on the rooftop of a house in the southwest corner of Greasy Grove. He swings his harvesting tool and receives some wood material, but the extra damage target doesn't appear and the roof's HP doesn't deplete.
He goes on to show other parts of the roof where the normal occurrence takes place. He gets some wood, the roof begins to show cracks, and the HP of those parts of the roof lowers.

After that demonstration, Kobes Shorts begins to fire his SMG at the glitched section of the roof. Instead of damaging the rooftop, the bullets go right through and begin to damage the rest of the house.
The final floor holding the roof up is destroyed, but the roof doesn't disappear with it. Instead, the roof simply levitates, defying all laws of physics, even if Fortnite is just a video game.
The rooftop is then shown as destructible, but it must be taken down with a Fortnite harvesting tool. It provides no indication that it is being destroyed until a few cracks begin to appear and then the roof vanishes.

This is just another example of Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1 being filled to the brim with glitches. From a killer toilet, to unlimited XP, to certain skins dropping frames, there doesn't seem to be an end.
Hopefully, Epic Games gets a patch out for this Greasy Grove rooftop before someone sits on it and shoots through it at an unsuspecting player, netting an elimination and sending them into a fit of rage.