Thanks to Epic Games' latest update, players can catch various fish, including the Raven Thermal Fish in LEGO Fortnite. This odd fish is much more uncommon than the small fries and floppers. Fishing enthusiasts seeking to hunt down all kinds of aquatic goodness to turn into food and fishing bait will likely be at their wit's end trying to track down the Raven Thermal Fish.
To alleviate players' worries, this guide will tackle possible locations for the Raven Thermal Fish in LEGO Fortnite. We will also take a look at how to catch it.
Where to find Raven Thermal Fish in LEGO Fortnite

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As per its description, the Raven Thermal Fish is only found in hot climates. As such, players will have the best chances of encountering it in the dry valley biome. The grassland shores are also possible spawn locations for this purple-hued fish based on the same from the original Fortnite game.
Although it may not grant the thermal vision properties of its mainline rendition, it is still usable as food or bait. To encounter it, we recommend using a Bait Bucket of the Uncommon or Higher rarity, as the Raven Thermal Fish is also only found in rarities Uncommon or above.
Bait Buckets are also a new addition alongside the fishing mechanic courtesy of the Gone Fishin' update. Using this consumable creates a fishing hole, allowing players to catch higher-tier fish easily. Do note that the fishing process is RNG-based, so players must be patient and engage in trial-and-error before they get their hands on the Raven Thermal Fish in LEGO Fortnite.
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How to catch Raven Thermal Fish in LEGO Fortnite

As for catching fish, it is a no-brainer that players require a handy Fishing Rod, which must also be crafted. Higher tiers allow catching rarer fish but also require more resources. Here are all the Fishing Rods that can be crafted in the game:
- Common Fishing Rod: Wooden Rod (x1), Wolf Claw (x1), Cord (x2)
- Uncommon Fishing Rod: Silk Thread (x1), Knotroot Rod (x2), Cord (3), Wolf Claw (x3)
- Rare Fishing Rod: Drawstring (x1), Wool Thread (x2), Flexwood Rod (x3), Sand Claw (x3)
- Epic Fishing Rod: Drawstring (x2), Heavy Wool Thread (x3), Arctic Claw (x3), Frostpine Rod (x4)
Players must upgrade their Crafting Bench to the same rarity as the desired Fishing Rod to create it. With the acquired Epic Fishing Rod and an Epic Bait Bucket, players may even encounter Legendary fish, including the Raven Thermal Fish in LEGO Fortnite.