The Pea Bois Inc. Story Quests in Fortnite is the latest in the line of story quests that unravel the central plot of Chapter 5 Season 3. These story-centric missions revolve around Pandora's gem, and like the other story quests, reward you with Pandora's gems that you can take to Hope. They offer players a deeper understanding of the development of this season's plot. Here's how you can complete the quests.
This is how you can complete the Pea Bois Inc. Story Quests in Fortnite
The first mission starts with an interaction

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The first step players must take in completing the Pea Bois Inc. Story Quests in Fortnite is to talk to Mr. Peabody at the Pea Bois HQ. This is a known Landmark on the map and is directly opposite the wreck of the train.
You must go and talk to Mr. Peabody, who will say that he will give you the Pandora's gem if you complete a few tasks for him.
These tasks are simple mini-quests that you must complete and finish the series. The first quest is unlocked immediately.
How to complete the first quest in the Pea Bois Inc. Story Quests in Fortnite

The first quest in the series is to "help propagate Peabody's Pea Buddies in different matches". The quest is to be done at Pea Bois HQ itself, where you went to meet Mr. Peabody. It's located directly south of Nitrodrome, where the derailed train is located.
You must visit the basement at the HQ to interact with the green pea pod and feed it Nitro. The quest can be completed by simply interacting with the pea pod in three different matches. You do not need Nitro in your inventory to complete the quest.
How to complete the second quest in the Pea Bois Inc. Story Quests in Fortnite

Once you complete the first quest of feeding Nitro to the baby peas, you unlock the second quest - "Bounce on Bouncy tires near Pea Bois HQ". This is a very simple quest, and you don't need to travel to complete it.
Simply stand in front of the Pea Bois HQ and look to your left. You will find a couple of tires on the outside edge of the building. Jump on them ten times to complete this quest.
How to complete the third quest in the Pea Bois Inc. Story Quests in Fortnite

After you are done with the bounce quest, Peabody offers you the next quest- "Talk to Peabody's auto technician in training, Dummy". This requires you to go to the Fuel station just next to Lavish Lair, down South-West.
Once you talk to Dummy, he will agree to hand you Pandora's gem upon completing a task for him. Interacting with Dummy unlocks the next quest in the series.
How to complete the fourth quest in the Pea Bois Inc. Story Quests in Fortnite

The fourth quest in the Pea Bois Inc. Story Quests in Fortnite is essentially activated once players talk to Dummy - "Trade Car Parts to Peabody to receive the Pandora gem".
This quest is a bit tedious but it can be completed easily. Simply damage cars by hitting them with your Pickaxe and car parts will spawn, which you can then collect. You must collect 20 car parts to complete the quest and move to the next part.
How to complete the fifth quest in the Pea Bois Inc. Story Quests in Fortnite

The fifth quest is essentially delivering these 20 car parts that you have collected to Peabody back at Pea Bois HQ. You must return to the landmark and enter the garage to follow the exclamation sign that points to the location of the chest.
Once you reach the location inside the garage at Pea Bois HQ, interact with the box to trade the car parts and get Pandora's gem in return that you can use to complete the final quest of the Pea Bois Inc. Story Quests in Fortnite.
How to complete the final quest in the Pea Bois Inc. Story Quests in Fortnite

The sixth and final quest of the series is taking Pandora's gem and handing it over to Hope at her base in Sandy Steppes. You will complete the quest once you hand over the gem.
Although tedious, every level of this quest offers you 15,000 XP and the entire Pea Bois Inc. Story Quests in Fortnite offer you a total of 90,000 XP when completed. This makes it a great quest for you to level up and unlock the Battle Pass rewards.
This is how you can complete the Pea Bois Inc. Story Quests in Fortnite and pave the way for the showdown at the end of Chapter 5 Season 3.