The Neymar Jr. Fortnite skin came with a few interesting challenges. One of the challenges involved players drop kicking a soccer ball for 500 meters in Fortnite.
While the challenge does sound slightly complicated, it isn't as complicated as it sounds. It's probably one of the simplest challenges on the list of Neymar Jr. Fortnite Challenges.
Neymar Jr. challenge: How to drop kick a soccer ball in Fortnite?
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While this happens to be a very simple challenge, players need to possess the soccer ball toy emote and the Neymar Jr. Fortnite skin in the game. To get the soccer ball toy emote, players need to talk to one of the soccer player NPCs on the island. To earn the Neymar Jr. Fortnite skin, players need to complete five quests from these soccer player NPCs in the game.
Once they've completed both those quests, players need to begin building what is known as a stairway to heaven in Fortnite. Once this ramp is built, players need to simply climb up this ramp to the highest point and kick the ball off from there into oblivion.
The challenge requires players to kick the ball for 500 meters only, so players will have to kick the ball a few times to complete the challenge. They could also build the platform really high to complete the challenge in a single go.
If players take multiple tries to complete the challenge, it would be wise to drop kick the soccer ball in different directions. The terrain in Fortnite is not even, so players may need multiple attempts to complete this.
While it sounds easy, building that high a ramp may put players in a precarious position. Players should have a squad with them to protect them while they're building high up or attempt this challenge in Team Rumble because people are always building up tall structures there.
The "drop kick a soccer ball" challenge was plagued with a glitch as well. If the ball vanished from the player's view before it hit the ground, the distance traveled by the ball wasn't counted. This glitch has affected only a few people and should probably be solved by a hotfix.