Much like every other battle royale game, knowing individual stats in Fortnite is important. This will help players analyze their in-game performance and provide some insights into areas that need improvement.
Players can also use these stats to compare their performance to that of their friends. Additionally, global stats can also be viewed if needed. Here's a list of ways in which players can find their stats for Fortnite.
Follow these simple steps to find stats in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8
1) How to check stats in Fortnite for PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and Mobile users
PC, PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, and mobile users can easily find their stats in-game by following these steps:
Master the game with our Fortnite Interactive Map v33.00 here!
- Log into the game.
- Once in the main menu, click on the "Career" tab located on the top right of the screen.
- Next click on the "Profile" tab located at the bottom of the screen.
- Players will now be able to see their wins, kills, top 10 and 25 finishes in the various modes.
2) How to check stats in Fortnite using mobile applications
Players wanting to check their stats without logging into the game can use these apps:
1) Fortnite Tracker
To use the Fortnite Tracker, players will have to enter their Epic Games ID. Once done, they will be able to see the average match time, score per match, time played, kills, leaderboard, and more. This application also has a webpage version.
2) Companion for Fortnite
This application is a bit more advanced. In addition to enabling players to view various stats, it also allows them to view the item shop in-game and compare weapon performance.
3) How to checks stats in Fortnite online
Players can opt out of having to download applications by checking out their stats online on these websites:
1) Fortnite Scout
Players will need to enter their Epic Games ID and hit the search button. Once that's done, the website will display detailed information such as match placements, kills and comparisons.
2) Fortnite Stats
To get started, players will need to enter their Epic Games ID and select their device. Once done, click "Get Stats" to get all the basic stats and a leaderboard. Players can also check the global stats of other players.