Unable to sprint in Fortnite? The good news is that you are not the only player dealing with this problem. Even better news is that we have a solution that will put an end to this issue.
Considering how crucial sprinting is, it's important that you set it up properly. It allows you to move much faster and is critical during every stage of a Fortnite match, especially when running away from the storm or escaping from enemies.
This article will help players if they're unable to sprint in Epic Games' title and explain how to fix the issue. We will provide a step-by-step explanation on how to fix the problem on both controller and a keyboard-mouse setup.
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Fortnite sprint not working? We have a solution!

Epic Games added sprinting to Fortnite Battle Royale with the release of Chapter 3. This is one of the most useful movement mechanics ever added to the video game, so it's not surprising that a lot of players use it frequently.
Unfortunately, many have reported the "Fortnite sprint not working" issue in the past few days. It appears that Epic Games has accidentally messed up several controls and keybinds, so you will have to set them up again.
Resetting controls is one of the most annoying issues that players have to deal with. Fortunately, there is an easy solution if you're dealing with this problem. Here is all you need to do:
1) Open the game settings

To fix the issue with "Fortnite sprint not working" in Chapter 4, you will have to open the in-game settings first. This can be done by opening the main menu and choosing the gear icon from it.
While in the settings, you will have a lot of different tabs to choose from. To fix the problem, you will have to navigate to either the controller or keyboard tab, depending on which input device you use to play the video game.
2) Change keybinds on your controller

If you are on a controller, you will have to select the Wireless Controller tab from the settings menu and manually assign the Sprint action. By default, this is assigned to the L3 button. However, you may switch it to any other on your controller.
After you do this, you simply need to press the Apply button and your settings will be saved. At this point, your sprinting action will start working again and you will be able to run faster in the game.
3) Change keyboard binds

Fixing issues on a PC is almost identical. However, keyboard and mouse users will have to navigate to the Keyboard Controls tab to fix the Fortnite sprint issue.
Once you open this tab, look for Sprint action. By default, it's assigned to the Left Shift button, but feel free to change it as per your preference. After you switch your keybinds, hit the Apply button and the problem will be solved.
If this workaround doesn't fix your problem, you will have to wait for a patch. The next update is expected to release on Tuesday, December 13.