LEGO Fortnite can be a surprisingly nuanced game, with many things to craft. Flour is a notable item that acts as an important component for crafting many recipes. Obtaining it is not a very straightforward task, however, as players must undergo certain procedures to receive a usable end product for various crafts.
As such, this guide entails everything players must do to obtain flour in LEGO Fortnite as well as its uses.
A Grain Mill is needed to get flour in LEGO Fortnite

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Perhaps unsurprisingly, obtaining flour is an intricate process in LEGO Fortnite. Players will need Grain Mill to turn Wheat Grain into the required flour. However, that presents a few conundrums: How to get wheat grain and how to craft a grain mill? Players will need to start here before progressing ahead.
The wheat grain can usually be found in chests around the open world in LEGO Fortnite. However, this is an inconsistent method for hoarding wheat, so players must resort to farming it instead. After securing a steady supply of grain, they must set their sights on creating a grain mill. This will help convert the wheat grain into flour.

Grain mill is one of the several crafting devices that can help players create more complex items. They will need the following ingredients to create a grain mill: Knotroot Rods (x20), Granite Slabs (x20), and Shells (x3). Knotroot can be found within caves latched onto ceilings, and players must use an Uncommon Forest Axe to obtain them.
Granite Slabs are slightly more complex. First, one must obtain granite from the ore deposits. Since elements like these spawn randomly, players may have to spend some time checking caves to track them down. They must be wary of enemies, too, as cave areas can often be dangerous. While exploring, players should be sure to grab some marble from marble ores too.

This is because Knotroot (x20) and Marble (x35) are crucial to creating Stone Breaker - which will help construct the 20 Granite Slabs that are the foundation of the Grain Mill. Finally, Shells can be retrieved easily by defeating fauna known as Rollers. Once players secure Granite Slabs and other ingredients, it is time to create the Grain Mill.
This device is found under the Utilities tab in LEGO Fortnite, and players can place it where they desire. Setting it down next to a wheat farm can be convenient. With that done, players only need to interact with the mill to find the flour option, which turns the wheat grains into the refined product. Flour is used to make consumables like Bread and Pizza, which allow one to survive.