It would seem that under the cover of the alien invasion in Fortnite, the enigmatic NPC known as Guggimon is playing the part of Loki, and wants to get up to some mischief on the island.
Instead of trying to help and fight off the alien invaders, he wants to create a little "chaos" and commit "arson" by setting ablaze players and structures in-game. Rather than doing the deeds himself, Guggimon is looking for volunteers to carry out his plans of mayhem and destruction.
Given the difficulty and danger associated with the job, players who agree to go along with the madness and execute the task will receive a reward of 30,000 experience points, and possibly first degree burns as well.
Master the game with our Fortnite Interactive Map v33.00 here!

Note: Fortnite Week 8 Epic challenges will go live on July 29th at 10 a.m. Eastern Time
How to complete the "Ignite enemy players or enemy player structure" Fortnite week 8 Epic challenge
In order to complete this challenge, players need to ignite 15 enemy players or enemy players' structures in-game. While this task can be achieved by setting fuel tanks on fire, an easier way would be to collect fireflies.
The throwable firefly jar was added to the game during Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 and has been a fan favorite ever since. Unlike fuel tanks or other sources of fire damage, firefly jars are easy to find and collect, as they are located all over the island.
In order to collect fireflies, players simply need to find a spawn location and gather them. There are over 100 locations on the island from where players can collect firefly jars. Here are the best ones players should visit.
- Weeping Woods
- Slurpy Swamp
- West of Lazy Lake
- Stealthy Stronghold
- Lake Canoe
- Scenic Spot (West of Pleasant Park)
Although the firefly jars are easy to use, the spread of fire is rapid and difficult to contain, making it dangerous not just to opponents, but to players as well.
The fire damage spreads easily, and the flame makes no distinction to those unlucky enough to get in its way. Players should keep a safe distance while using this item to avoid taking self damage.
Readers can watch this video for more information: