There's no right or wrong way to level up in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1, but there is a fast and a slow way. With the overall XP that can be gained nerfed in all modes, leveling up this season will take some active effort. Thankfully, with the map being as fun as it is, getting around and doing things in-game does not feel monotonous.
That being said, for those who want to reach seasonal level 200 to unlock all Battle Pass cosmetics, they will need to do more than just go to AFK in Creative Mode. Here are a few ways by which players can level up quickly in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1.
6 different ways to level up quickly and efficiently in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1
1) Daily challenges

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Every day, players can complete daily challenges in-game to earn some experience points in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1. While each one only offers 1,000 XP, the bonus goal for completing a set amount is extremely rewarding.
Players can earn up to 3,000 + 45,000 XP in total each day. The best part about these challenges is that they can be completed with Party-Assist. This means that each member of the team can focus on a particular task to get it done faster.
2) Weekly challenges

Unlike earlier, when players could complete all weekly challenges at the end of the season, they will likely be time bound in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1. If this is indeed the case, they will have seven days to complete each batch. Since they are relatively easy, completing all of them will be a breeze.
There are usually seven sets of challenges added each week. However, with XP being reduced, there may be more this time around. Completing each one will reward 16,000 XP. Depending on how many are added in, players can earn two to three levels by completing all of them.
3) Milestones

Milestones are great long-term challenges in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1. 10 are already active in-game and a few more may be added later. Unlike normal tasks, milestones work in stages. Each one has 20 stages to complete and upon completion, each stage rewards 6,000 XP.
Players can earn 1,200,000 experience points by completing all of them. As for the bonus XP, they will earn approximately 1,000,000. This will bring the grand total up to 2,200,000 XP. Since milestones are relatively easy to complete, players won't have a trying time finishing them, eventually, at least.
4) Oathbound challenges

Oathbound challenges are storyline related and offer a lot of XP in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1. Players will earn 20,000 XP for completing each task. However, a bit of leg work and multiple matches will be required to complete them all. Since they are divided into stages, there's a lot to do at each checkpoint.
That said, apart from the final challenge that requires players to defeat The Ageless Champion, most tasks are easy. A total of 100,000 XP can be earned by completing all of them.
5) Creative Mode

For players who do want to rinse-and-repeat the Battle Royale mode and Team Rumble, Creative is the perfect place to earn XP. With an endless variety of custom experiences to play through, there's no shortage of choice.
While there is a daily cap, it shouldn't be a problem in most scenarios if they use Creative mode as a steady alternative to earn XP. With that being said, most activities in the mode do not require a co-player. This can be done in private lobbies or with random gamers in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1.
6) Save The World mode

Those who regularly play Save The World mode will earn a handsome amount of XP in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1. While other harder challenges will require higher character levels, daily and weekly tasks can be completed at any level.
Daily challenges grant 33,000 XP upon completion, while weekly ones grant 138,000. Given the cap, players should use STW as a supplementary means to level up in-game. Solely relying on this method is not a good idea.
Leveling up in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 will be a bit of a challenge, but it's not impossible to reach seasonal level 200 by the time March arrives. For players who are already at level 16 or higher, there's no need to rush the pacing of leveling up. There's plenty of time to go explore Creative mode or take a break from the grind.
However, for players below level 10, there's a bit of catching up that needs to be done. If the weekly and Oathbound challenges are still left, it's a good idea to complete them over the weekend before they expire.

Keep in mind that Creative and Save The World are optional for leveling up in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1. Playing Battle Royale or Team Rumble and completing daily or weekly challenges should suffice.
Furthermore, with Winterfest 2022 around the corner, there'll be a lot of chances to earn additional XP easily. For those playing at a steady pace, they should be level 60 by the time the new year arrives.