How to level up fast in Fortnite Chapter 5 is perhaps the number one asked question online. With the need to unlock Battle Pass cosmetics and reach level 200 being the main goal, earning XP quickly is of the utmost importance. Keeping that in mind, there are a few easy ways to earn XP, but they will require you to play the game for some amount of time.
That said, while playing, there are certain tasks you can undertake to speed up your ability to gain XP in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1. Some of them will be easy, while others could be a bit tricky for beginners. Nevertheless, these will help you learn the game as you play and make you an overall better player as well.
Here are six ways to level up fast in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1
1) Kickstart

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Kickstart is the best way to get the XP flowing in Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1. They consist of a series of tasks that are simple and help beginners/newcomers (and seasoned players) find their bearings on the new island. Completing all of them will yield 150,000 XP, which can be achieved in a few matches.
2) Match Quests

Match Quests have replaced Daily Challenges. Instead of receiving a fixed set of tasks, players can now choose what they want to do in-game. At the start of each match, they can decide from a list of tasks to complete. Only three such tasks can be undertaken every 24 hours. Completing all three will yield 45,000 XP.
3) Weekly

Weekly Quests and Trials will be the best way to gain a large chunk of XP every week. A new batch is introduced every week, and upon completing all of them, 105,000 XP will be awarded. An additional 30,000 XP will be awarded for every five Weekly Quests and/or Trials that have been completed. While this may not sound like much, this all adds up over time.
4) Survivor Medals

Survivor Medals were introduced recently and provide a fair amount of XP, but it will take some work to earn it. There are seven stages to unlock, and each stage has 10 Quests.
Completing each Quest grants 10,000 XP. Completing all of them will earn 700,000 XP. This is a long process, so it's best to get started as soon as possible. Be aggressive, be fearless, and eliminate opponents to earn Survivor Medals.
5) Milestones

Milestones are long-term goals that can be completed to earn a large amount of XP. There are 10 Milestones, each having 20 stages. Each stage provides 5,000 XP, and completing them all will earn you 1,000,000 XP. Given that these take time to complete, it's best to let them happen passively. Actively trying to complete them will limit gameplay.
6) Play Save The World, LEGO, Rocket Racing, and Creative

Fortnite's Save The World and Creative are a great way to earn XP for the Battle Royale Battle Pass. Although it's a slow trickle, for those looking to substitute the Battle Royale experience, this is a great way to do so.
In addition to these two modes, players will soon be able to earn Battle Royale XP by playing in the upcoming LEGO and Rocket Racing modes. Again, although the XP will be trickling in slowly, these will be great substitutes to earn XP and complete the Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 1 Battle Pass.