Making money from Fortnite is something many gamers do in 2023. With the release of Unreal Editor for Fortnite (UEFN), Epic Games has motivated many talented players to turn their favorite hobby into an easy job. Some have already made millions from UEFN, despite it being out for only two months, while others have focused on other money-making possibilities in the video game.
There are numerous ways to make money from Fortnite at the moment. While you have to be a skilled player for some of them, anyone can do most of these methods.
This article will explain some of the most popular money-making methods in Fortnite. They can be used for side income, but you can also make them your full-time job.
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Making money from Fortnite is relatively simple in 2023

Before we go into details, let's first explain how Epic Games pays its players. The company uses Hyperwallet to process its payments. Once you are eligible to be paid, you will have to set up a Hyperwallet account and link it to your bank account to receive a payment from the developer.
Setting this up is a requirement for every payment, whether it's earnings from a tournament or a payout from the Support-A-Creator program.

Here are all the ways you can make money from Fortnite directly from Epic Games:
- Design Creative maps with UEFN and get paid according to play engagement.
- Sign up for the Support-A-Creator program and make money from every Item Shop purchase someone makes with your code.
- Place high in cash cups and win tournament prizes.
At the moment, the first option is the most profitable method of making money from Fortnite. Hundreds of players have made thousands of dollars from UEFN, despite it being out for only two months; a few of them have even made millions.
Additionally, it's important to note that you can apply for special grants. Epic Games gives Fortnite island creators upto $500,000, and all you need to do is come up with a plan and an interesting idea for your custom map.

The methods above are great for either side income or full-time jobs. However, there are a few more ways you can turn your video gaming hobby into a profitable venture.
Here are a few more methods you can use to make money from Fortnite Battle Royale:
- Livestreaming your content on Twitch.
- Posting gaming videos on YouTube, TikTok, and other platforms.
- Creating a Discord server, Facebook page, or other community.
- Carrying players to wins.
Some of these methods, such as livestreaming, are not very effective, since many players already do this. However, you can also come up with creative ways to stand out from the rest and establish your own fanbase.