Embarking on a journey in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey often involves creating and crafting intricate items, and Wool stands out as one of the more valuable resources in-game. This guide will walk you through the process of obtaining Wool and Wool Fabric, and how you can make use of this important resource
Here's how you can get your hands on wool and wool fabric in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey.
Getting Wool in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey

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In the world of LEGO Fortnite Odyssey, sheep can become your resourceful companions. Head to the Snow or Grassland Biomes, where sheep are abundant. Approach one calmly and interact with the designated button to pet it.
While both the Snow and Grassland Biomes house sheep spawns, the Grassland proves to be a more efficient harvesting point as it has more sheep, owing to its warmer environment. Opting for the Grassland Biome simplifies the process of harvesting Wool.
Although sheep may become startled by your presence and timidly try to avoid you, you can attempt to lure them with treats such as Raspberries to attract and divert their attention while you approach them for petting. This will provide you with Wool, and you can then take the next step of acquiring Wool Fabric.
Now that you are equipped with Wool, it's time to proceed to the creation of Wool Thread. You should make sure that you have a constructed Spinning Wheel ready for action, and with it, you can assign Wool to the Wool Thread recipe in the Spinning Wheel menu.

With Wool Threads in your LEGO Fortnite Odyssey inventory, the final crafting step involves crafting Wool Fabric. In order to craft, you need to ensure that you have a Loom constructed and prepared.
Have five Wool Threads for each Wool Fabric you want to craft, and navigate to the Loom to assign the Wool Threads to the Wool Fabric recipe. After the process is complete, you can collect Wool Fabric from the Loom to be used in gliders or other unique items.
With this, you've successfully navigated the process of acquiring Wool and crafting Wool Fabric in LEGO Fortnite Odyssey. With this newfound knowledge, you are ready to explore the possibilities of crafting in the vast expanse of this imaginative world. Whether you're building items or using them to craft other resources, Wool Fabric is at your disposal for future adventures.