Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 is out, and many players are doing their best to reach level 100 as soon as possible. Many amazing skins have come out with the latest Battle Pass, and unlocking them requires a lot of XP. Optimus Prime, a tier 100 skin, requires players to level up nearly 100 times. Due to this, many players are wondering how much XP is needed to reach level 100 in the new Fortnite season.
Epic Games has made minor changes to the leveling system with the new season. However, most of the things have remained the same, including the amount of XP necessary to get to level 100.
This article will explain everything you need to know about XP requirements in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3. We'll also take a look at some of the methods you can use to level up quickly.
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Reaching level 100 is quite easy in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3 and doesn't require a lot of XP

All Fortnite Battle Royale players start the new season on level 1, meaning they need to level up 99 times to reach level 100 and unlock the Optimus Prime skin. XP values for the first 100 levels haven't been changed, and players still need to earn 80,000 XP to level up.
This comes down to 7.92 million XP from level 1 to level 100. While this may sound like a lot, the truth is that leveling up is very easy and fast in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3. Getting more than half a million XP per game early in the season is possible.
Besides leveling, one can buy Battle Pass levels. However, this is not recommended, as every level costs 150 V-Bucks.

Many new challenges are available early in the season, making the leveling process much faster. Additionally, Epic Games has changed Milestones in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 3, grouping them into three different categories. These are long-term tasks that can be completed for extra XP.
Besides daily, weekly, and special challenges, earning XP from UEFN maps is possible. This method is perfect for everyone, but especially for the players who want to level up passively while away from their gaming system.
Finally, players may use Fortnite bot lobbies to level up quickly. Winning games in these lobbies is extremely easy, and it's possible to unlock the new victory umbrella using this method.