Seeing players use aimbot software in Fortnite is not something new. It's been around since the early days of the game and has allowed users to gain the upper hand in combat. One of the most famous examples of players using this exploit is FaZe Jarvis.
Although he claims that he only used the software to try it out in-game, Epic Games was not prepared to listen and dropped the permanent ban hammer on him. However, that hasn't stopped others from using illegal third-party software.
Even in early 2022, several users complained of running into players using aimbot software in-game. Some have even gone a step ahead and posted videos of the same on social media.
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That said, one has to wonder how people get aimbot hacks for Fortnite. Do they buy the software from the dark web or write the script themselves? This article will explore the world of third-party hacks.
Getting aimbot hacks in Fortnite is easier than one can imagine

When people talk about aimbot hacks in games, they often imagine a shady person selling this illegal third-party software on the dark web. However, this is far from the truth, and players usually buy aimbot software on Reddit forums.
In fact, there used to be a dedicated subreddit called r/FortniteHacks which would serve as the base of operation in the digital world. Everything from methods to acquiring vaulted skins that were released in the Fortnite item shop a long time ago to aimbot was once available here. Although it was abandoned a long time ago, the posts made by sellers and buyers can still be seen. By the looks of it, things even turned sour. One user commented:
"Lol, this is becoming too much effort; IP bans, traces, and hwid spoofs! It's all too much. This community has served me well as a place to learn about cheating and hacking and has even helped me with programming but it’s time I say goodbye. Some of y'all are toxic 'AF' and need to chill out with scams."
It's clear that the hacking community has seen better days, but coming back to the topic at hand, forums like these were the go-to places to buy aimbot software. Posts by users seeking to buy the illegal software are filled with replies from sellers redirecting them to private Discord channels.
It is here that transactions take place in private. Aimbots and other hacks could be bought for as low as $10. As with most software, the higher the price, the better the utility. In this case, the more the user is willing to spend, the better their aimbot software will work.
However, this does not mean that Epic Games will not be able to track the user down. As soon as multiple players file a report, the support team will take action. On many occasions, those caught using aimbot hacks have been banned mid-game.
With content creators doing their part and backing the banning of cheaters, most users caught using third-party software are permanently banned. That said, it's not always easy to know if the player is cheating or not.
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Soft Aim is harder to detect in Fortnite
Unlike aimbot software, which helps users track their opponents through walls and anything else that gets in the way, Soft Aim is a bit more toned down. Rather than constantly tracking opponents in combat, Soft Aim allows users to take aim only when targets are in the open.
With software mimicking the skill set of professional players, detecting this illegal third-party software in Fortnite is harder. This doesn't mean that they get a free pass and don't get banned, it just means that banning them takes a while longer.
In short, using aimbot software in Fortnite is possible, but the repercussions are severe. Players will get permanently banned and lose access to their account. If they have any cosmetics or V-Bucks, they'll all be forfeited.
To make matters worse, Epic Games carries out IP bans. This means that even if players make a new account to play Fortnite, they won't be allowed to access the game. However, that's not all there is to worry about with third-party software. There are worse things that can happen than being banned by Epic Games.
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Malware, Trojans, and other nasty digital viruses
Regardless of what "trusted sellers" might say, aimbot software or other third-party hacking tools are not safe. Downloading anything onto a computer from random sources is not a good idea. Much like skin changer apps for Fortnite, many of these third-party software come with malware and trojans.
But since users are hellbent on being the best in-game, they'll ignore the red flags and use the software without a second thought. While not all cheats/hacks come with nasty digital viruses, most of them do. Rather than paying money to obtain God-like skills in Fortnite, players will end up having their system hacked.
With all that said, it's best to steer clear of any hacks or cheats in Fortnite. Epic Games is constantly updating their anti-cheat software, and all third-party software used for cheating/hacking will be rendered useless eventually.
To put it bluntly, the resources the developers can spare to improve their anti-cheat cannot be matched by individuals creating hacks/cheats. In this digital arms race, staying ahead of the curb is important, and Epic Games plans to do just that.
With devices such as Cronus Zen banned, it's only a matter of time before they solve the Soft Aim issue as well. However, all things considered, as it stands, it's very rare to run into a cheater or someone using aimbot software in Fortnite these days.
Hopefully, it stays this way, and the game remains free from such incidents moving forward. With the player base growing exponentially, having cheaters in-game will force new players to migrate to other BRs, such as the newly released Warzone 2. This will directly affect Epic Games’ revenue in the short and long term.