Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1 has added a bunch of new mechanics and items to the game. Now that the season has been out for a day, players are starting to get familiar with the playstyle Epic Games wants them to adopt this season.
Major gameplay changes by the developers can either be thoroughly impressive or be so disappointing that players end up dissing the game. The addition of the Sprint movement mechanic in Fortnite Chapter 3 falls in the former category. It is still holding its own, and players usually combine it with the other movement mechanics to win fights.
Sprinting in Fortnite changed the pace of the game. Loopers began using it frequently to outrun the storm and their enemies. The sweats enjoyed rushing their opponents with this mechanic in-game. However, some Chapter 3 players struggled to sprint as it required them to assign an additional keybind to the function.
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With Chapter 4 introducing the Hurdle mechanic, players need the Sprint mechanic now more than ever to maintain movement momentum. However, some players are facing a bug that is preventing them from using the mechanic. Here's how you can use or enable Sprint in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1.
Fix the Sprint mechanic in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1
Chapter 4 has added multiple ways players can sprint for longer periods of time. By drinking Slap Juice or activating an Augment, they can give their sprinting ability an increased duration, allowing them to maintain a steady momentum to survive on the island.
However, several players are experiencing a bug that is preventing them from sprinting seamlessly and instead glitching them out in lagged movement. Some are saying that they cannot sprint anymore even after pressing the button they had bound last season for the action.

To Sprint in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 1, you need to go into the Settings. There, find your game settings and make sure the Toggle Sprint is turned on under the Movement category. This option allows you to toggle in and out of the sprinting action in-game.

Then, all you need to do is head over to your Keyboard Controls and assign a key to the Sprint action in the Movement category. Jump into a game and sprint again like you used to in Chapter 3.
It is important to enable the Sprint mechanic separately before one goes into their first Battle Royale game on the Chapter 4 Season 1 island. Not doing so could lead them to experience the sprint bug and cause their game to lag.
Epic may release a hotfix to address this issue soon so that Fortnite Chapter 4 can provide a seamless experience for players across all platforms.