Holiday Presents have been added to the loot pool for Fortnite Winterfest 2022. When used, the item expands, and within it, players will find a plethora of items/weapons. In most cases, at least one high-tier weapon will be up for grabs alongside supplementary items.
One of the Winterfest 2022 challenges requires players to throw three Holiday Presents at different named locations on the map. By completing this task, players will earn 16,000 experience points. Since the challenge can be spaced out over multiple matches, there's no need to rush it.
A step-by-step guide on how to throw Holiday Presents at different named locations in Fortnite Winterfest 2022
1) Find Holiday Presents

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As the name might suggest, Holiday Presents are part of the Winterfest 2022 festivities. This would imply that they can only be found in areas that are snowbound. This is not true.
Holiday Presents can be found all over the map in Floor Loot. They can spawn in every nook and cranny on the island. However, there's no way to highlight them on the map.
Players will have to keep their eyes peeled or play in a squad to have better odds of finding one. Once a Holiday Present has been found, pick it up and store it in your inventory.
2) Go to a named location

Depending on where the Holiday Present is found, players will have to do some legwork to reach a named location. It's best to avoid POIs such as Brutal Bastion, The Citadel, and Faulty Splits. Since these locations are often hot-drop zones, there's a high possibility that players may get eliminated before being able to throw the Holiday Present.
The best thing to do would be to find a vehicle and use it to reach safely named locations such as Lonely Labs, Slappy Shores, Breakwater Bay, and Anvil Square. It might take some time to reach them, depending on how far away a player is, but it's a safer option in most instances.
3) Throw the Holiday Presents

Once at the named location, select the Holiday Present from the inventory and throw it like a regular throwable item. It will deploy once it hits the ground and will expand to take up 1x1x1 tile space.
Players can then break it open using their Harvesting Tool to collect the items/weapons within. Repeat the task two more times to complete the challenge and earn 16,000 XP.
Tips for using Holiday Presents in Fortnite Winterfest 2022
While a Holiday Present is primarily used to obtain loot, it can also be used in several other igneous ways. Players can throw a Holiday Present on themselves to gain instant cover or throw it on top of opponents to block them.
A Holiday Present can also be used to gain high ground in certain situations and create platforms for vertical movement. If opponents are trying to rush using a vehicle, a Holiday Present can be thrown to stop them dead in their tracks.

However, keep in mind that if the vehicle has been modded with a Cow Catcher, a Holiday Present will not be able to stop it. On that note, it can still be used as a platform to jump up on in order to avoid being hit by the incoming vehicle.
A Holiday Present can also be used to block the entrance to buildings or block off certain pathways in a fight. This will buy players time and/or tactical superiority as opponents will have to either break through them to get to the other side or climb to the top and risk becoming an easy target.