Fortnite Saucers may have been nerfed in terms of AOE (Area of Effect), however, they remain the fastest way to travel in-game. Despite this, some players have a love-hate relationship with the alien vessel.
In addition to being fast, they do become annoying when used by real players. Rather than simply shooting the laser beam, many players have become creative with how the Saucers can be used offensively.
This week, Epic Games has decided to get players more familiarized with alien technology by tasking them to fly 1000 meters in-game using the Fortnite Alien Saucer.
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The good news is that players who complete the task will be rewarded with experience points. The bad news is that stealing an alien Saucer is not the easiest job. Given their rate of fire and players wanting to commandeer it for their own use, managing to get hold of one is a lot easier said than done.
With that being said, this article aims to help players easily complete the "Travel in a Saucer" week 4 Epic challenge. So, without further ado, it's time to go hunting for some futuristic tech.
Fortnite Season 7: How to complete the "Travel in a Saucer" week 4 Epic challenge
To complete this Fortnite challenge, players will have to find or steal an alien Saucer and travel 1,000 meters using it. Upon completion, players will receive 30,000 XP as a reward.

Before starting this challenge, players should be aware that alien Saucers can be shot out of the sky by opponents, and from other sources of damage. In addition to this, there are two different ways by which players can get their hands on an alien Saucer. With that being said, here's how to complete this challenge.
Look for blue smoke
While players can obviously try and fight off an alien UFO before taking control of it, there is an easier way to acquire one. Apparently, a few of them crash-landed at various locations around the map and can be spotted thanks to blue smoke trails.
However, it would seem that the IO has also spotted these smoke trails and has rushed to secure the area. Nonetheless, dealing with IO is much easier than fighting aliens or active players to secure a ship. These are locations where crashed alien Saucers can be found.
- Camp Cod
- The Durr Burger
- Dirty Docks
- Corny Complex
- Steamy Stacks
- Green Steel Bridge (Southeast of Corny Complex)
Once players get in an alien Saucer, flying around the island and traveling 1,000 meters should be a breeze. Don't fly too low to the ground, as IO Rail Guns and turrets can make short work of the Saucer's amour.
Also Read: The Pit Fortnite - Map code, all challenges, and rewards