Renegade Raider is arguably the rarest skin in Fortnite Battle Royale history. It was released during the first-ever season of the video game, a few months before Epic Games introduced the Battle Pass system. Unfortunately, the skin was not free, and players had to spend 1,200 V-Bucks on it, making it extremely rare. Epic has added a new version of the skin with the latest Fortnite update. While this skin will be released to the Item Shop, players will also be able to win it for free.
This article will explain everything you need to know about the new skin and how you can unlock it. We will also take a look at the cost once it comes to the shop.
New version of Renegade Raider can be unlocked by competing in Fortnite Cup

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The new version of Renegade Raider is called Renegade Runner. If you like the skin, you can participate in the Renegade Runner Cup on Wednesday, April 12, to unlock it for free.
The event will be held at different times across the world. However, to check the exact time for your region, open the game and check out the Compete tab. Regardless of your region, you will have to find a partner, as the Cup is a Duo competition.

The good news is that Zero Build players will also be able to unlock the new version of the skin for free. The upcoming Cup will have both regular and Zero Build versions of the game.
In total, approximately 4,000 players will receive the skin for free. Top-ranked players will also get matching back bling, pickaxe, and wrap. Furthermore, anyone who earns eight or more points will get an exclusive emoticon.
Skin will also be released to Item Shop

If you don't participate in the Renegade Runner Cup, you will be able to obtain the new skin by purchasing it from the Item Shop. According to Epic Games, the outfit will be released on Saturday, April 15.
The new version of Renegade Raider is rare (Blue), meaning that it'll likely cost 1,200 V-Bucks. The Renegade Star pickaxe is uncommon (Green), and its price tag should be 500 V-Bucks, just like that of the wrap.
Finally, Epic will release a special bundle that contains all the cosmetic items, which includes an exclusive loading screen. The only way to obtain the loading screen is through the bundle.