Ever since Fortnite Chapter 3 began, mobility has been at the forefront at all times. Even in the current season, things are no different. With tactical sprint and parkour allowing players to cover vast distances, the way battles are fought drastically changed.
While movement mechanics are a good add-on, at times, they have to be supplemented with other mobility devices. This is where 'Ascenders' come into play. Loopers can use them to rapidly get onto IO Airships and gain the high ground effortlessly. Unfortunately, a lot of players are unaware of their existence.
Given that Chapter 3 Season 2 is still in its infancy, a lot of players are yet to discover these mobility tools. To rectify this situation, Epic Games is tasking players with using 'Ascenders' in two major POIs located on the island. Those who complete the task will be rewarded with 20,000 XP.
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Where to find Ascenders and how to use them in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2
To put it into perspective, an Ascender is basically a zip-line that works vertically instead of horizontally. Rather than going from side to side, players will move upward. To complete this challenge, loopers must use an Ascender in Command Cavern and Chonker's Speedway.
To begin, players will want to land at Command Cavern and make their way under the IO Airship. Once underneath it, players will be able to spot two Ascenders dangling from the IO Airship. Using any one of them to board the Airship will complete this phase of the challenge.
Technically, players should also be able to land on top of the IO Airship and use an Ascender to go down and complete the challenge. This will allow the player to loot and gear up on the IO Airship itself. Both ways are perfectly feasible depending on the situation. Once done, they can then use a Siege Cannon to shoot themselves towards Chonker's Speedway.
Once at the Chonker's Speedway POI, Fortnite players will have to look for Ascenders on the edge of steep cliffs. Most can be found a little northeast of the POI itself. Upon using any one of them, the challenge will be completed, XP will be earned, and Loopers will be free to carry on with their match.