Fortnite is perhaps one of the most popular battle royale games of all time, and it is safe to say that all the popular culture collaborations have contributed to its growth worldwide.
Iconic outfits and cosmetics in Fortnite have a unified fan following regardless of age. Data miners reveal these cosmetics before they are added to the game, and this creates hype amongst fans.
Time is of the essence, and for that, data miners need the best tools to reveal all the new cosmetics coming to the game. FModel has long stood unchallenged as the best software for Fortnite leakers.
However, with FNPedia's release, data miners now have a quicker option to reveal new skins, characters, and items coming to Fortnite.
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In an exclusive conversation with Sportskeeda Esports' Dipanjan Dey, Hefin Henry D'souza, aka TheGameVlog, creator of FNPedia, opened up about his new invention and discussed Fortnite's popularity in India.
In conversation with Fortnite data miner Hefin Henry Dsouza aka TheGameVlog - creator of FNPedia
Here is an excerpt of the conversation
Q. First and foremost, congratulations on successfully creating one of the best applications that every Fortnite data miner needs. Give us an origin story? Tell our readers a bit about yourself and the journey that led you onto creating FNPedia?
A. Thank you for the kind words, but I wouldn’t take credits for FNPedia being called one of the best applications as FModel 4 still stands as one of the best data mining tools for UE4 based games, I’d call FNPedia one of the easy-to-use Fortnite Data mining tools for beginners and leakers who just won't leak and share cosmetics faster.
I have been an FModel user for quite some time now, and I still use FModel. The whole idea of developing FNPedia came to me when I saw new members or beginners in the FModel discord server asking for help with basic stuff, that is when I began to wonder, some so many users want to get started with Fortnite leaking or just want to look at Fortnite cosmetics before it comes in-game, so why not develop something easy for them to use.
FNPedia is highly inspired by FModel, and on those lines, it focuses its features towards viewing Fortnite cosmetics as soon as it gets decrypted, even before players see it in-game or in-store. This way, it allows leakers and content creators to share these findings with other players, creating hype and a sense of excitement for regular players and Fortnite Fans.
FNPedia has been developed keeping in mind that its targeted users are either new data miners or just hobbyists and game fans looking to explore and find something about their favorite Fortnite cosmetics or unreleased Fortnite cosmetics.
Q. Tell our readers a bit about your early days and struggles, when did you start your journey in Fortnite? When was the Fortnite India Discord server created, and how has it evolved over the years?
A. I started playing Fortnite at the end of Season 3, but I am not a full-time gamer. So I couldn’t play much but I own most of the battle passes and the outfits, Last year March 2020 was when I started playing Fortnite once again as we all know this is the time we got struck by the pandemic and we were advised to stay at home. So that gave me some free time and I got back to gaming.
I used to play Fortnite only with my neighbors and friends as duos and sometimes Save The World the PvE version of Fortnite. I asked my friend to start streaming on my channel as he is a better player than I am, and I was amazed to see how my subscribers supported us and watched us play and also wanted to join us to play with us.

I already had a discord server for my YouTube community and my subscribers joined me there and we shared a lot of gaming / general talks there. Slowly we started getting more Indian Fortnite players and that is when I created a separate Discord server for Fortnite India focused more on players from India and most players who play on the Middle East server. The server was created in Jan 2021 and in less than 3 months we had more than 500 members, most of them are active and play with each other.
Q. As a Fortnite player in India, what do you think the community needs to become a region like NA East. How do you see upcoming pro players and content creators developing a sustainable Fortnite community in India?
A. Over the years, Fortnite has surely been gaining popularity in the Indian gaming industry and we have many good players in India who are too focused on competitive modes of Fortnite.
But sadly, India still has a long way to go when it comes to gaming as a profession or a full-time job. The discouragement of Indian gamers and content creators mostly begins with parents, as we Indians have never viewed gaming as a profession or a full-time job. Once we evolve this thinking, I think we will have more scope for gaming to be a professional career in India. I will not say that we have not made any progress in gaming, it's just that we aren’t recognized enough yet.
I guess in another 2-3 years we will be looking towards growth in the Indian gaming industry, especially now that everyone is advised to stay at home during this pandemic. Like we say, let us bring out the best from the worst. So let's bring out the best during these bad times.
Q. How would you describe the Discord group? Is it a group for tournaments, leaks, videos, 1v1 rooms? Do you plan to create a love for Fortnite by encouraging young players with this group?
A. Fortnite India Discord is a discord server focused mainly on Indian Fortnite players of all skill levels to come and play with each other, we are one of the best non-toxic communities for Fortnite where even newbies can join and we help them progress in the game by encouraging them to play with other players. We try to host tournaments, custom games, creative games and discuss the game mechanism and upcoming features, and help each other complete their weekly challenges and level up.
My objective for Fortnite India has always been and will be to create a friendly and welcoming community for all Fortnite India players regardless of their skill level or expertise. At the end of the day, it’s a game, it's supposed to be enjoyed, not raged on.
Q. Let us talk about FNPedia a bit more. Delving into the specifics, tell us how this functions and how it is much more efficient than all the others applications available?
A. Another feature I’d like to showcase to Sportskeeda readers is the Shop Section updates, I have been trying to add features that Fortnite Dataminers and Leakers use one of them being the Shop Section Changes that usually helps the Dataminers predict what is going to come in the next item shop. The shop section usually changes 2.5 hrs prior to the shop's reset and FNPedia allows its users to look at the shop sections and share them if they want to.
In the image above, you will see the shop sections, the current item shop, and also the Rarest Item in the shop.
Before we move on to our next question, I’d like to thank Fortnite-API.COM which is the source of FNPedia’s cosmetic fetcher.
I am also thankful to @SexyNutella, @Kemo, and @SizzyLeaks for their feedback and motivation while developing this app.
Q. How would you describe your role as a data miner, content creator, and software engineer, and Fortnite lover, beneficial for reaching out to players who are not familiar with the BR classic?
A. Coming back to FNPedia, so like I said earlier FNPedia is focused on being the easiest and simplest way to use Fortnite leaking tool, with just clicks of buttons you get the list of recently decrypted cosmetics that are not released in-game. Not only this, but FNPedia also lets you export those icons and share them on Twitter.
Here is an Image of how FNPedia allows you to customize the Cosmetic Icon and make your icons look different than the regular FModel exported icons.
Yes, the image above is teasing Madcap, you cannot see this outfit in FModel files but you can see it in FNPedia.
Q. Do you think Fortnite getting banned on iPhones affected the game's growth in India, where mobile gaming dominates the esports circuit?
A. I don’t really think iOS banning Fortnite has had a major impact on Indian gamers as gaming is more popular on Android devices in India. Majorly because Android devices are more affordable, I used to play Fortnite on iOS until it got banned, but that wasn’t the primary device I played on, I was kind of disappointed but Epic Games was kind enough to refund the V-Bucks I purchased on iOS.
That being said, I still stand by my view that Android Gaming is more popular in India when it comes to mobile gaming, and Fortnite being on iOS wouldn’t really make a vast difference.
Q. Would you say Fortnite Mobile is tougher compared to other gaming titles like COD Mobile, Free Fire, etc? Compared to PUBG Mobile's popularity, is there a chance for Fortnite in India?
A. The fact that Fortnite is not just about shooting makes it different. It is about strategizing, building, and planning so yes. I feel Fortnite Mobile is much more challenging than COD Mobile, Free Fire, PUBG Mobile, and other battle royale games on Android or iOS. But you can call my opinion biased as I play Fortnite more than I play any other game.
Q. Do you have any advice for our young aspiring Indian gamers who would love to pursue Esports professionally?
A. I would just like to say that gaming is a challenging industry and it does not mean one only has to sit and play. It takes time, effort and skills to get known in the gaming industry and no one gets recognized in just one day. So if you plan to have gaming as your career, remember it's not an easy task, but with dedication, I don’t think anything is impossible.