Is Fortnite Zero Build - Battle Royale killing the OG Battle Royale mode? Well, according to the player count, on average, there are slightly more players in the Zero Build - Battle Royale as compared to the OG Battle Royale mode. However, this is not enough to state that the former is killing the latter. Given that these stats tend to shift on a daily basis, they cannot be used as standardized benchmarks.
Having said that, it cannot be denied that Zero Build - Battle Royale has been gaining popularity since its release in Chapter 3 Season 2 (March 29, 2022). While the unique selling points of the game are the building mechanics, the playerbase has surged since the release of the Zero Build mode. For some players, building is just not fun, and that's understandable.
This is precisely why Epic Games introduced this run-and-gun mode in the first place. While not everyone has welcomed it with arms wide open, it does allow more players to enjoy Fortnite and be a part of the metaverse. Having said that, with Zero Build - Battle Royale becoming the underdog in just over a year's time, will it eventually kill the OG Battle Royale mode?
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Will Fortnite's Zero Build - Battle Royale eventually kill the OG Battle Royale mode?

Despite Zero Build - Battle Royale having more players on average, it's far from killing the Battle Royale mode. It's well known that many players tend to shift between modes at times to make the best of both worlds, so to speak. With major Cash Cups taking place for both modes, it's safe to say that neither one is being favored over the other.
The developers have ensured to keep both options open to players. Furthermore, given how unique the building mechanics of Fortnite are, it's hard to find anything else to replace it with. While few have tried, they haven't been able to sustain themselves and eventually stop being a viable alternative.
Since players want stability in the game, they keep coming back, even after a considerably long hiatus. Lastly, as stated, with both modes open to all players, everyone is welcome to either duke it out in a build-battle or charge into the fray guns blazing.
How have the developers been able to sustain both game modes in Fortnite?
While Zero Build - Battle Royale is vastly different from the OG Battle Royale mode, most in-game mechanics remain the same. Nevertheless, the developers have taken great care to pay attention to both modes and keep things up to date. Even minor issues such as Large Rocks not providing enough materials when harvested are taken seriously. But that's not all.
From the functionality of weapons/items to the loot pool itself, they are all similar. The only way in which the modes differ vastly from each other is when it comes to certain mechanics (like lighting Campfires) and of course mobility. That said, players in the OG Battle Royale mode tend to enjoy more freedom when it comes to movement.
They can build over any terrain to avoid having to rotate around it, reach high-ground effortlessly, and when needed, create instant cover. While there are certain items that allow players in both modes to rotate without the need to build, having that ability does come in handy. Nevertheless, this is a minor inconvenience for the most part as Epic Games keeps adding in more mobility items.
All said and done, while some within the community may cry wolf and state that Fortnite's OG Battle Royale mode is dying, it's a bit overdramatic. If anything, Epic Games has given players more options to choose from and enjoy. Rather than killing or harming each other, the modes compliment one another to form a yin-yang relationship.