"Is Rambunctious the rarest emote in Fortnite?" is something many players are wondering about presently. This comes as no surprise since the item was last seen in the shop almost four years ago.
As many Fortnite players are aware, Item Shop cosmetics return to the game from time to time, which is why they often lose their rare status. However, Rambunctious is different because it will likely never return to the game.
This article will explain everything you need to know about the popular emote and answer the question of if it's the rarest cosmetic in its category. Unfortunately, considering that it hasn't been out in so long, only OG players own it.
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Rambunctious is the rarest emote

The popular Fortnite Battle Royale emote was first released during Chapter 1 Season 4. More specifically, its launch date was June 9, 2018. The emote is Rare, which means that it came for 500 V-Bucks.
It offered a dance animation with music playing in the background. Unfortunately, Epic Games has had some legal issues associated with the emote, which is why it hasn't been featured in the title since Chapter 1 Season 6. The last time the popular cosmetic was in the item shop was on November 12, 2018.

Epic Games based Rambunctious on a dance performed by Will Smith in The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Unsurprisingly, the Fortnite developer was sued over this, and despite winning the legal battle, it appears that the emote is not allowed to return to the video game.
Many players remember the lawsuit regarding the Fresh emote. This one was also taken from the popular show and hasn't returned to the Item Shop since November 21, 2018.
Is Rambunctious the rarest emote in Fortnite? Moreover, considering that it may never return to the game, players who own it have a very exclusive item in their Fortnite lockers.

It's important to note that Epic Games could possibly reach an agreement with the company that filed the lawsuit and bring the emote back to the video game. However, this is super unlikely.
Other rarest Fortnite emotes of all time

With Rambunctious being the rarest emote in Fortnite, there are a couple of other cosmetics in the same category that haven't been out in a couple of years. Here is a list of these rare Fortnite items and the last time they were seen as of Saturday, October 8:
- Rambunctious - 1,426 days ago
- Fresh - 1,417 days ago
- Hot Marat -1,413 days ago
- Tidy - 1,396 days ago
- Widow's Pirouette - 1,251 days ago
- Kiss the Cup - 1,168 days ago
Tidy was also involved in the lawsuit, which is why it hasn't returned to Fortnite in so long. Hot Marat was used for a special one-time collaboration, while Black Widow and Widow's Pirouette haven't been out for almost four years for reasons that are unclear. Kiss the Cup is Bugha's emote and was released after the talented player won the Fortnite World Cup in 2019.