The latest Lara Croft skin alongside Jeep Wrangler Rubicon car body recently arrived in the Fortnite Item Shop, and the community seemed to love it. Despite the initial hype, players soon noticed a major flaw as soon as they purchased it and tried for the first time. Unlike the previous Lara Croft skin in Fortnite, which adjusted her hair when wearing a back bling, this version’s hair remains in the same position. As a result, Back Blings appear to float awkwardly with the skin.
The issue quickly gained traction after u/Expensive-Pickle-185 shared about it in the r/FortniteBR Subreddit page. The description of the post reads:
"This detail in the new Lara is just lame, lazy and all in between."
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Many players were frustrated by the lack of detail in the new Lara Croft skin. u/BartholomewXXXVI expressed disappointment, saying that floating back blings ruin the appeal of most skins and are a sign of lazy design. u/MrMeedas agreed, stating that they refunded the bundle after seeing the issue, as Epic could have easily reused the hair physics from the older Lara Croft skin.
u/TheMikey2207 left a lengthy comment speculating that the game’s cosmetic quality has dropped since Epic’s mass layoffs, pointing out that issues like glider compatibility and hair adjustments were handled much better in the past.

On the other hand, some players still enjoyed the new skin and its retro aesthetic. u/Dizzy_Ad_1963 believed that the intentional retro look justified some of the design choices. u/EXDemon1213 also liked the skin but admitted that they didn’t have enough V-Bucks to buy it. Meanwhile, u/Legend7Naty was surprised that the Lara Croft skin is already available for purchase and was curious to know how long it will remain listed.

Can you buy the Lara Croft Fortnite skin?
Yes, the Lara Croft skin is currently listed in the Item Shop for 1,500 V-Bucks. The complete Tomb Raider Bundle comprises of the following items:
- Lara Croft (2000s) (Outfit + Selectable Styles)
- Chirugai (Pickaxe)
- Atlantean Scion (Emote)
- Tomb Raider's Satchel (Back Bling)
- Croft Legacy (Wrap + Animated)
You can purchase the complete Tomb Raider Bundle for 2,200 V-Bucks. Do note that the item will only be listed in the item shop until March 21, 2025, after which the chances of it returning are less likely.
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- All FN Marvel Skins (March 2025)
- All FN crossovers and collaborations (March 2025)
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