Fortnite has always been quick to give out free rewards to players. This is especially true during the holiday season, which has officially arrived. There are tons of great rewards for players to claim in December 2021. A number of rewards require no Battle Pass or purchase of any kind, and players can unlock it right away.
All free rewards available to Fortnite players
Every Battle Pass has great rewards, but not everyone pays the 950 V-Bucks (or the $12 for the monthly crew subscription) to unlock them. Fortunately, there are tons of free rewards. Here's everything players can unlock right now if they are level 100 in Chapter 3 Season 1.
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- Page 1
- Mehndi Contrail
- Ancestral Bloom Back Bling
- Shanta's Lifebloom Spray
- Page 2
- 100 V-Bucks
- Blade of the Waning Moon Harvesting Tool
- Shanta's Tale Loading Screen
- Page 3
- Waning Moon Weapon Wrap
- Ancestral Bloom Back Bling
- Ronin Flame Emoticon
- Page 4
- Back N Better Emoticon
- Love It! Emote
- Chomp Cud!! Spray
- Page 5
- Haven's Opus Music
- The Bestiary Chest Back Bling
- Banner
- Page 6
- 100 V-Bucks
- Gum Brawler Pickaxe
- Deep Freeze Loading Screen
- Page 7
- Banner
- Bubbloon Glider
- In Her Sights Spray
- Page 8
- Horned Heart Emoticon
- Skywheeler Contrail
- Harlowe's Target Loading Screen
- Page 9
- Banner (Spider-Man)
- The View From Afar Loading Screen
- It's... You? Emote
- Page 10
- Spidey Senses Tingling! Emoticon
- 100 V-Bucks
- Webslinger Wrap
Alongside the Battle Pass right now is WinterFest in Fortnite. All of these rewards are free and players can open one gift a day. Additionally, Frozen Peely is slowly thawing out, which will be another free gift.
- Frozen Peely skin
- Krisabelle skin
- You Better Watch Out Loading Screen
- Loot in the Mountains music
- Auroral Arc Contrail
- Sentinel Glider
- Banner Icon
- Bombastic WinterFest Spray
- Holly Hatchets Harvesting Tool
- Choice Knit Emote
- Twinkly Weapon Wrap
- Wooly Weapon Wrap
- Snowplower Harvesting Tool
- I'm Perfect Emoticon
Many of these rewards require Fortnite players to play and level up to unlock, but they do not require any purchase.