Apple has told Epic Games that it will reinstate its developer account, putting Fortnite iOS back on track. This comes just two days after they terminated the account on March 6, 2024, which left the community hopeless. According to the official statement released by Epic Games, they are moving forward as planned with releasing Fortnite back on iOS in Europe. Here is what they had to say:
"Apple has told us and committed to the European Commission that they will reinstate our developer account. This sends a strong signal to developers that the European Commission will act swiftly to enforce the Digital Markets Act and hold gatekeepers accountable. We are moving forward as planned to launch the Epic Games Store and bring Fortnite back to iOS in Europe."
While this information will put a smile on the faces of the Fortnite iOS community, there is no timeline in place. That being said, the process could take days or weeks, depending on the legalities at play. Nevertheless, Epic Games' dream of getting Fortnite back on iOS devices is one step closer to completion.
Note: You can read the official press release here.
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When could Fortnite iOS come back?
Given the minor hiccup suffered two days ago, this could have delayed things by a few days/weeks, depending on numerous factors. However, taking into account that Epic Games releases major updates at the start of every new chapter, things are likely still on track. December 2024 (Chapter 6) is the most probable release timeline for Fortnite iOS.
While nothing is set in stone, and it could release things sooner, pushing Fortnite to iOS devices mid-chapter would probably not be the best option. Given that they would likely have to rework certain aspects of the game for Apple devices, Epic Games will not rush the process.
That being said, more information will be made public by the developers as and when a new milestone has been reached. For now, that is the information in hand.