Yesterday, the Fortnite v20.00 update introduced a controversial change to the game. Zero Build was officially introduced after Fortnite controversially removed building for the first portion of Chapter 3 Season 2. The difference was a big thing, but many players weren't concerned since it would only be gone for a little while.
No-build modes are here to stay, and some players are not too pleased with that decision. The latest debate is an offshoot of the sweats vs casuals debate, which seems never-ending.
Competitive players have taken to social media to air out their frustrations with the mode being made permanent. Here's what they had to say.
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Competitive Fortnite gamers are frustrated with the addition of Zero Build
The removal of building has completely changed the dynamic of the game. It was a distinct advantage for those who built aggressively over those who didn't. The latter often avoided the former altogether when it came to combat situations.
The lack of building stripped away everything and made the game solely about combat, which many non-building players are good at. When a player isn't cranking 90s and building a fortress to kick off a fight, the fight is a lot fairer.

However, for those who do build, the change took away a considerable part of their game and frustrated them. It frustrates them even more to see that Epic Games "caved" and gave the "casuals" their own mode.
It's not an invalid frustration for them to have, given that the mode they liked wasn't added back, and it seems like Zero Build is here to stay. However, since Zero Build is likely only going to be an alternative mode, the main game should remain unaffected.
However, it is undoubtedly frustrating to feel unheard by anyone, especially the company that thrives off these players.
Sweats have been telling casuals to "get good" at the game for a long time as casuals have complained about having to face sweats in-game. Epic Games has now offered a potential solution with separate game modes, but the debate seems far from over.
It has been a frustrating season for a lot of players, including Aussie Antics.
Clix wasn't a big fan of the change, either.
mau thinks it's not Fortnite anymore.
Other Fortnite pros like SypherPK aren't necessarily upset about it but have tried to find a middle ground.
As long as Zero Build is active, certain Fortnite gamers will remain frustrated. If Zero Build was ever to be removed, other players would be frustrated and may quit playing again. That's probably not something Epic Games wants to experience, though.