The Fortnite Avatar Battle Pass details have been leaked online. The long-awaited collaboration is nearing its execution date, which is speculated to be sometime in mid-April. While details regarding in-game challenges and tasks are unknown, leakers/data-miners have been able to acquire information pertaining to the Avatar Battle Pass.
Similar to other mid-season collaborations that have occurred in the past, Epic Games will add a Battle Pass (mini) this time around as well. Thanks to Fortnite leaks, there is quite a bit of information about this upcoming "Mini Pass." That said, here is everything we know about the Fortnite Avatar Battle Pass.
Fortnite Avatar Battle Pass: Everything we know
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The information comes from leaker/data-miner iFireMonkey. Given their reputation, most of what is mentioned will likely come to fruition in-game. That being said, this is everything we know about the Fortnite Avatar Battle Pass.
For starters, it will be called "Elements." Given that Avatar deals with elemental forces, the name is suiting. While it is free for everyone, the premium version of it will cost 1,000 V-Bucks. The event itself is scheduled to start around April 8, 2024, and end in May. It will likely conclude before Star Wars Day begins.
Aang (Outfit) is the Premium skin in the paid section and will have a "Hang Glider" for free. Players will be able to earn Chi and Books to connect all the elements. This is the likely method by which they will be able to unlock cosmetics rewards. Once six books have been collected, Appa's Glider will be unlocked.
There are likely many more cosmetics associated with the Fortnite Avatar Battle Pass, but details are yet to surface. More information will come to light over the next few days. Given that this collaboration will consist of in-game challenges/quests and Korra will be unlockable on the Chapter 5 Season 2 Battle Pass, there will be a lot there for players to do.
Aside from cosmetics, there will be Mythic weapons as well. Players will be able to use these to even the playing field in-game. There are three currently in development, one for each elemental type. These will likely be added to the current loot pool once the main collaboration kicks off.
Note: The information provided is subject to change based on Epic Games' discretion.