Fortnite has had the mothership hovering over it since the onset of Chapter 2 Season 7. It has moved around the map, and players have even been abducted and placed inside it. Leaks have revealed what the mothership might be doing and its true intentions, but a new leak has revealed even more.
Live event audio files have been leaked ahead of one of the biggest live events in Fortnite history. Based on the information, this season's live event could reshape Fortnite entirely.
Fortnite mothership audio leaks ahead of time
The mothership's plan, which Doctor Slone has been fervently trying to stave off, has become a little bit clearer now. Thanks to some new leaked audio from the Chapter 2 Season 7 live event, Fortnite players have a clue about what's going to happen.
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In the leaked audio, Doctor Slone can be heard talking about how the Imagined Order is going to attempt to take down the mothership (a truly daunting task) and that it will be crash landing in a populated area.
There is a lot of speculation about what a populated area is defined as. Pleasant Park and other Fortnite POIs are very populated areas, but there are plenty of those that could qualify. There is no telling which POI it might be heading for. Even the abducted ones don't make sense because Slurpy Swamp and Coral Castle aren't close to each other.

This has led to the theory that the mothership will be landing on the entire island. It's certainly big enough to cover most, if not all of the map. That would certainly be a populated area. If that's the case, then no Fortnite POI is safe, and the map for Season 8 could look entirely different.
Slone mentions getting players out of the way of the impending crash, but with the size of the mothership that remains unlikely. It's very possible that some of this season's NPCs will be harmed or worse in this crash landing. Regardless, something big is happening with the mothership, the IO and Doctor Slone. Chapter 2 Season 8 is rumored to start in mid-September, so as Doctor Slone said, "That mothership's days of ominous hovering are numbered."