While it's not likely to stay active for a long time, another significant Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1 XP glitch has popped up. This time, players can earn up to a million XP in a single match by repeatedly doing a challenge.
Challenges typically go away and don't reward any XP after completion, but this glitch grants 55 thousand XP each time players do what is stipulated. Here's how they can take advantage of the glitch.
Fortnite Chapter 3 XP glitch gives one million XP in one match
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This will only work if players haven't completed the Week 10 challenge to use different ziplines in a single match. If they have, the challenge will be gone, and they won't earn any extra XP for it.
In this challenge, players are tasked with using three different ziplines. The Daily Bugle represents the best place since it has seven total ziplines. Once players have used three, they can continue entering new ziplines.
Each time they hit a new zipline, Fortnite players earn 25 thousand XP. There are over 75 different ziplines on the map. That will award players a total of 1,800,000 XP.

The ziplines can be found in clusters, but they are at the following locations:
- Windbreakers
- Turbine
- Power Towers (south of Greasy Grove)
- Camp Cuddle
- Covert Cavern
- The Daily Bugle
- Impossible Rock
- Chateau Bob (north of Chonker's Speedway)
Depending on where the storm circle ends up, players can make it to many different ziplines. This is especially true with Spider-Man's Mythic Web Shooters or a vehicle.
GKI, the player who shared this glitch, noted that it could only be done once, so he recommended doing it in Team Rumble rather than Battle Royale. That will also make the landing at the Daily Bugle safer so players can use the different ziplines.
Fortnite players should act quickly on this XP glitch because Epic Games will likely patch it as soon as they can, provided they know about it.