Fortnite's latest weekly update has arrived and, as they often do, brought challenges. One of the challenges for the Find the Force event is to search a Republic chest- another new item from the update. These chests do not spawn in place of old ones. Here's how you can find one and open it to satisfy the challenge requirements.
Search a Republic chest in Fortnite
Step 1: Land at a Republic camp

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There are multiple locations for the Republic chests in Find the Force. However, this one makes a lot of sense as there won't be as much traffic since it's not near the middle of the map. Be that as it may, it does have a major POI nearby so be on alert when you arrive.
Step 2: Head into the tent and open the chest

There is a tent nearby. This is a staple of every single Star Wars event in Fortnite, so it may be familiar to veteran players. Head inside, and there should be a chest with the Republic logo on it. Open this. You can get the Star Wars rifle in it and various healing items. Upon searching the chest, you will complete the challenge, and earn rewards. You are only required to do this once.
All challenges have gone live in Fortnite as of this morning. The event lasts until May 23, so you have plenty of time to finish these. However, it's always advisable to get them out of the way sooner.
Released on May 2, 2023, the game has been updated for the Star Wars Celebration. This time, it's called Find the Force, and it has a lot of new skins, items, and challenges.