Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 has introduced massive changes to the popular video game. From new items and map changes to mechanics, Epic Games has changed the game again for the player base.
It turns out that the storm will work differently in the new season. Epic has released several changes to it, including the number of circles, damage in the storm, and storm surge.
These changes will drastically affect casual and competitive gameplay. Considering that the storm is one of the most important mechanics in the game, players will need some time to get used to the alterations.
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Fortnite storm has changed with release of new season

Fortnite Battle Royale players are used to the storm having nine circles. However, this is no longer the case, as Epic Games has increased the number of safe zones to 12 with the release of Chapter 4 Season 2.
With more storm circles, the development team has also changed a few other things, such as the ticking damage in the storm and storm surge. Due to this, players must change their strategy when rotating from one zone to another.
Here are all the new values for the storm surge:
In addition to the number of circles and storm surges, the ticking damage is forgiving in Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2. The storm will deal one damage per second for around 12 minutes into the game.
In other words, the new Fortnite season has brought six more minutes of the one-tick zone. Since storm damage is important, this change is massive as it allows players to stay longer in the storm and loot or reboot their teammates.
Players, however, have to worry about storm sickness. This mechanic has received no changes, and players who stay in the storm for too long will receive a debuff that will multiply storm damage and last the entire match.

These alterations are massive, and it will be interesting to see how they affect competitive players. While these changes have also been released to casual modes, many players die early in the game as they are not solely focused on survival.
Considering that these Fortnite changes are still relatively new, Epic Games may change them in the future. For now, players must get used to them and use the lower storm damage to their advantage.