The latest Fortnite leak has revealed many new cosmetic items that will come to the popular video game. Aside from the said list, the information also includes their release dates.
The end of the month will be very exciting as a new Halloween skin will come every day for five straight days. Epic Games has added many new cosmetic items with the v22.20 update on Tuesday, October 18, and will gradually release them before Fortnitemares 2022 ends.
The Halloween event will end on Tuesday, November 1, which is most likely when the development team will release a new update and we will get even more Fortnite leaks. In the meantime, let's see what's waiting for us in the next two weeks.
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Fortnite leak reveals upcoming skins and their release dates

As soon as the downtime for the v22.20 update was over, Epic Games released several new skins to the Item Shop. Mr. Meeseeks and Summer came out as part of the new Rick and Morty collaboration, which was a nice surprise.
Besides these skins, Fortnite leakers have revealed a lot of additional cosmetics that have come with the update. Unfortunately, Epic Games hasn't added them to the Item Shop yet.
HYPEX, the most popular Fortnite leaker, recently revealed a list of these skins and their release dates. Ash Williams, another collaboration character, will be released on Sunday, October 23.
Vivica Saint will be released on Tuesday, October 25. Considering that her image shows V-Bucks and other cosmetic items, she will most likely be a real-money bundle.
Bonejamin will be released two days later, and other skins will come every day until the Fortnitemares 2022 event ends. The Fortnite leak comes from a reputable leaker and it makes sense since October 31 is the last day of the Halloween event.
At the moment, players can visit Ash Williams on the island. He is located in the Knowby Cabin, west of the Reality Tree.
Chrome Punk skin should be out soon as well

Epic Games has added a lot of amazing new skins with the Fortnitemares update. However, many players are wondering when Chrome Punk will be released.
Chrome Punk is a new character that can be found at Flutter Barn, and currently sells three items, including the Pumpkin Launcher. He is the 24th NPC on the island right now, and players have to interact with him to complete the collection book.
What makes this character special is that his skin will be released at some point. It will be free and players will be able to obtain it by gaining 50 account levels. Unfortunately, no one knows when it will be made public.
Considering that Chrome Punk is another Halloween-themed character, we can expect him to be released by November 1. There is also a chance that he will come out during the "Spooky Night" event on Saturday, October 22.