Many Fortnite fans are looking forward to the potential addition of some anime skins to the game.
Fortnite has added anime skins in the past in Season 6, but they weren't anime characters. Rather, they added anime style characters that were original to the game. These three characters were just variations of one skin, Chigusa, and left fans wanting a legitimate collaboration. Fans have called for popular anime skins for a long time, and according to new leaks, their wishes may be granted.

Anime in Fortnite
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An upcoming collaboration, something Fortnite has made a habit of doing, with Shueisha, a Japanese publishing company, has been leaked. According to renowned data miner Twea, Epic Games is working with the company to create "a few anime collabs." This is groundbreaking, as Fortnite has not gone down this route before. Breaking into the world of anime will likely bring a whole new world of fans to the game.
This has excited many people, as the prospect of playing as Naruto or Goku has been highly anticipated. If Fortnite can collaborate with movies, comic books, TV shows and more, they can certainly step into the world of anime. Now, it seems as though they are.
According to Twea, the leak is coming from a trusted source. Not all leaks come true in Fortnite, but a lot of them do. This is something Fortnite is infamous for - reliable leaks. Data miners make a career off the information leaked from Fortnite, and they are usually spot on.
Many leaks have already come true in Chapter 2 Season 7, such as Rick Sanchez's addition, Loki's arrival and the alien invasion. Leaks are about as reliable as the actual information from Epic Games and Fortnite themselves.

There is rarely an element of surprise with Fortnite. Most of the upcoming events, seasonal changes, characters, and everything, are known of ahead of time. This can be considered a bad thing, but many Fortnite players enjoy knowing what to look forward to.
Now, it seems they can genuinely look forward to some anime collaborations, likely with Naruto and Dragon Ball Z, in the near future. They will likely be a part of the Item Shop, as Loki has been announced as the Crew Pack skin.