Superman has finally arrived in Fortnite after a long time of "Coming Soon" being the only information available. To unlock the Man of Steel and his cosmetics, many challenges need to be completed. One of the challenges is to use a phone booth as Clark Kent. This will require the player to first unlock the Clark Kent skin and then find phone booths. Here's how to complete both these requirements.
How to use a phone booth as Clark Kent in Fortnite
First, players will need to use the Clark Kent skin, which is unlockable through the Battle Pass. Superman has joined the island as a Fortnite NPC alongside DC Comics counterparts Beast Boy and Batman. They will allot quests like all the other NPCs do.
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The first Superman challenge is to "Complete Quests from Clark Kent, Armored Batman or Beast Boy". Players will need to complete five quests from these NPCs to fulfill the first challenge.
Superman can be found at the top of Steel Farm, Batman in Dirty Docks and Beast Boy in Weeping Woods.
Once that challenge is completed, the base Clark Kent skin will be unlocked. Fortnite players can equip it and start a new match to find phone booths to complete the next challenge. It's important to note that there have been several Season 7 challenges involving payphones, especially for getting Doctor Slone's orders, but these phone booths are different. A phone booth can be found on the side of the gas station at Holly Hatchery.

A second phone booth can be found at Hayseed Farm, which is near Corny Complex. This one will also be along the wall of a gas station. A third phone booth can be found next to the Meowscle's Morsels billboard in Craggy Cliffs. Fortnite players only need to use one phone booth to complete the challenge.
Completing this challenge will unlock the Superman variation of the Clark Kent skin. Players can return to the lobby to accept this reward and equip it, if so desired.