Fortnite Creative 2.0 is one of the most significant additions to the popular video game for good reason. It allows players to create whatever they want in the game, and some talented creators have taken advantage of it. MateoK_fn is one of them who've learned how to use new Creative tools to their advantage.
This player created a 2D deathrun inside the Creative mode which looks fantastic. The new deathrun map looks like a classic platformer game combining elements of survival, exploration, and interaction with other characters.
The custom Creative 2.0 map has been published, and anyone can try it out. You can learn everything there is to know about it from this article, including the map code.
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This 2D Fortnite Creative 2.0 map is unique and looks brilliant

Fortnite players are familiar with deathruns. These Creative maps have been very trendy ever since the mode was released in Chapter 1 Season 7. However, this is the first time someone has created a 2D deathrun.
MateoK_fn's map looks stunning, as the creator has put a lot of time and effort into it. The game's objective is for players to collect coins and move on to the next level. However, they will face many obstacles while trying to collect them.
Here is a short video that teases the new map.
The custom Fortnite map also features several NPCs. The neutral NPCs are part of the storyline, and players can interact with them. That said, there are also hostile NPCs who will try to eliminate players and prevent them from collecting coins.
Additionally, players will also run into other obstacles, such as falling ice cubes, that make the map much more challenging and entertaining.

This is a single-player Fortnite map. Players can access it using this code: 5561-9412-7261. The easiest way to enter a Creative game is by opening the game mode selection menu and going to the Island Code tab.
The 2D deathrun has many levels and can be pretty challenging. Considering its uniqueness, its creator will likely update it with new levels and mechanics in the future.