Fortnite Chapter 3 is all about discovery. Naturally, that relates to discovering the brand new map, but it also relates to other findings. Players have been learning new features, testing out new mechanics and finding new strategies to employ.
There have been several exciting discoveries this season that have been borne purely out of curiosity. The latest one occurred because one Fortnite player was curious about landing on top of a gliding player. Here's what they discovered.
Fortnite player lands on top of another gliding player, and results are hilarious
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For this experiment to work, both players can't be gliding. Players have probably noticed it's nearly impossible to land on top of another gliding player. It's also much easier to accomplish if the players communicate with one another (i.e. teammates). Here's what happened to them.
In this experiment, Kobe Shorts on YouTube got a friend to glide directly below him. He jumped off and landed right on top for a brief moment. He was instantly killed and fell off, plummeting towards the ground.

Upon impact, he was killed and in need of a reboot. His teammate remained unaffected and glided towards the ground with ease.
The kill feed showed that he was knocked out by a fall of 32 meters, higher than the fatal limit of 23. Had he jumped off sooner, he wouldn't have taken lethal damage. However, he couldn't stay on top of the glider and would have hit the ground anyway.
There are several different ways of eliminating fall damage. Landing on a tent will result in no fall damage being taken. Landing in a large bush does the same. Unfortunately, landing atop a gliding player does not allow them to float safely to the ground.
Fortnite Chapter 3 has seen a resurgence in the sky base method, thanks mainly to the Spider-Man Mythic Web Shooters. When doing so, players will need other ways of getting back to the ground because a gliding player can't help their teammate down.