Victory crowns were first introduced in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1. These new items serve a couple of purposes. First, they come with an emote that counts the number of victory royales players earn when they possess a crown (all other victory royales don't count). The second thing they do is dramatically increase the amount of XP players earn in-game. Things like surviving 50, 25, and 10-player stages award XP. Opening chests and boxes do, too.
Having a crown is a huge bonus for gamers. The victory crown has quickly become a recognizable part of the game, and one Fortnite Redditor 3D printed a victory crown for their son's 13th birthday and shared the print through a heartwarming post. Check it out below.
Fortnite Redditor 3D prints victory crown for son's birthday
Victory crowns will likely remain a part of the game for the rest of its lifetime. They probably do not take up a lot of space in the game files and probably aren't at risk of being subjected to or involved in too many glitches.
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Victory crowns are a big part of the game, and having one in Fortnite is fun. However, having one in real life is probably a lot more fun. This Redditor's 13-year-old son is about to learn that.
3D printing is not easy, so printing a victory crown alone is worthy of praise. Most players would have absolutely loved getting something like this for their birthday if the game was around when they were younger. Collectibles associated with things one loves make great gifts.
The community appreciated the post, responding with tons of positive comments. One individual even warned the poster about the dangers of letting the crown go.
A loose victory crown is something players instinctively go for.
Loose crowns tend to lead to carnage in Fortnite, so hopefully, that doesn't occur in this situation.
This fan was just impressed with the quality of the print.
Someone else responded to the above comment with a clever Minecraft joke since tuff is a new block in that game.
Giving gifts by making or crafting them is a skill.
Other commenters complimented the parent for doing this for their child.
The appearance of the crown is just as important as the crown itself.
The original poster inspired several players to go out and print their own victory crown.
Overall, the Fortnite community has loved the post. It has nearly 2 thousand upvotes in just 22 hours at the time of writing.