A professional player and streamer, Stable Ronaldo has accused Fortnite developer Epic Games of allegedly "spying" on him. NRG Ronaldo has alleged suspicious activity from the company, stating he will "sue Epic Games for watching him in a creepy manner".
While big game companies should keep tabs on their creators and professional players to protect their image and make sure everything follows the rules accordingly, Stable Ronaldo made some bold claims against Epic Games on a podcast.
Professional player, NRG Stable Ronaldo, states Epic Games is watching every move he makes
Stable Ronaldo has had quite a bit of history with Epic Games, most of which seems rocky and shifty due to the player's disagreements and misunderstandings with them.
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Ronaldo thought he was going to be banned earlier this year for reasons unclear, with many speculating that it might revolve around his name. Now he's come out to say that Epic Games is watching him like a hawk.
Stable Ronaldo has received behavior warnings in the past for his outbursts and controversial social media posts, one that even joked about a real ban. On top of that, the behavior warnings specifically mention Ronaldo's toxicity in Fortnite and the community.
Epic Games should monitor all situations and criteria involving rule-breaking, cheating, and overall toxic players, but in Ronaldo's case, they're sending warnings and other signs his way for extremely specific encounters.
So from Stable Ronaldo's eyes, every little mishap is being watched by Epic Games more so than most other players. Other popular streamers who've been banned have also felt this sense of targeting from Epic Games and its unclear reasoning.
Stable Ronaldo said that he's being targeted and threatened to sue Epic Games on the podcast. Still, the idea was quickly swept under the rug after he stated that he'd lose to a massive company like Epic Games in a heartbeat.
Another member of the podcast agreed and joked about how there's someone employed at Epic Games with the specific job of watching NRG Ronaldo and his entire life.
A lot of noise is popping up around Stable Ronaldo, who in the podcast says that Epic Games doesn't care about small issues in Fortnite that negatively impact players, such as streamsniping and server problems. Stable Ronaldo also claimed that Epic Games only cares about protecting themselves and making examples out of players who even slightly step out of line.
Given Stable Ronaldo's history with Epic Games, more drama is sure to follow. The warnings and constant banter between the two could lead to an official ban in the long run, or the pro player might fight back and lead the charge for others who are being treated in a similar fashion.