This is a tragic situation for loopers on the island of Fortnite. Popular character Tomatohead, who was known for its Pizza Party, has died a valiant death at the hands of The Batman Who Laughs.
Several sources recently revealed the horrific incident. The death of Tomatohead has grabbed the attention of gamers, and everyone is eager to find out what was the course of action that resulted in this incident.
This article will reveal the necessary details regarding the death of Tomatohead at the hands of The Batman Who Laughs in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8.
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Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8: The death of Tomatohead
Fortnite recently rolled out a new comic series featuring The Batman Who Laughs. The collaboration is similar to the one that featured last season during the Batman Zero Point series.
The recent Fortnite/Batman: Foundation comic series features The Batman Who Laughs, and it stoked gamers' excitement during the onset of the Fortnitemares 2021.
It was recently revealed that Tomatohead suffers a tragic death at the hands of Batman Who Laughs in the comics. It was revealed that The Batman Who Laughs was chained up, and Tomatohead attacked him with all its might.
Tomatohead anticipated that it'd land a hefty blow with its Axeroni and end things for good. However, it turns out that the Batman Who Laughs escaped without a scratch, and it was Tomatohead who was the one who died.
The Batman Who Laughs wears a visor made from the World Forge that is, in reality, a cosmic metal. The blow from this visor caused the death of Tomatohead in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8.
The death of Tomatohead has undoubtedly brought forth grief into the community. The popular character was added to the game in Fortnite Season 3. It was available for 1500 V-Bucks and was part of the Pizza Pit Set.
Tomatohead's untimely death is too hard to digest. Gamers are hopeful that they might see some twist in the tale to reveal that he is alive by some means and will indeed feature in the game in the days ahead.
While many would think this claim to be absurd, it must be noted that a shark ate up Midas, yet he soon returned to the game as an NPC.