Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7 has arrived and with it comes a brand new take on the game. New POIs, characters, and challenges. With every week comes a new set of challenges. This week, players have been challenged to interact with a "dead drop" at Weeping Woods. There are five dead drops, all located in the Weeping Woods POI, or right beside it.
The "dead drops" are all located in Weeping Woods, allowing players to easily complete this challenge in one match, even if things go awry. Here's where players can find a dead drop in Week 2.
Fortnite Week 2: Dead Drops at Weeping Woods
Players should start by dropping into Weeping Woods. All the dead drops are close to each other, and this challenge can be completed with relative ease. The first dead drop is located just outside Weeping Woods, on a stump beside the river.
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The second dead drop location is just over the bridge and inside Weeping Woods. It sits in front of a big tree. While there are plenty of big trees here, this one should be noticeable with the stump.

The third one is a bit farther away, as it sits on another stump on the side of the river that runs through Weeping Woods.

The fourth location is just across the river from there and sits in the middle of some rocks near a slight clearing in the woods.

The fifth and final drop is located along the river. Just travel downstream for a bit and it'll be on another stump on the side of the river.
Simply interacting at one of these locations with a dead drop is enough to complete the challenge. Fortnite players do not need to interact with all five, but this provides options to defect to if one dead drop spot is busy or difficult to find.
Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 7's Week 2 challenges are live now.