In an unexpected crossover, players have been treated to the Fortnite x King Ice collaboration, which brings jewelry inspired by elements of the game. The items featured in the collaboration emulate various instantly recognizable aspects of the title, such as the Loot Llama and the Victory Crown. King Ice has transformed these aspects into jewelry like rings and bracelets in an aesthetically pleasing manner.
The crossover is a surprise drop. That said, this article explains how to find the Fortnite x King Ice collaboration and maybe even get your hands on some jewelry designed around some of the game's most iconic elements.
Everything you need to know about the Fortnite x King Ice collaboration
Where to buy
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The Fortnite x King Ice collaboration is prominently featured on the official King Ice website. Players can visit the website and find items related to this collaboration on the home page itself. At the time of writing, there are five jewelry items included in the Fortnite x King Ice collaboration which feature mascots like the Peely skin. These are:
- Fortnite x King Ice - Mythic Prized Lama Necklace
- Fortnite x King Ice - Victory Crown Necklace
- Fortnite x King Ice - Victory Crown Ring
- Fortnite x King Ice - Nanner Buddy Bracelet
- Fortnite x King Ice - Cuddlebear Cutie Bracelet
For now, it remains unclear whether King Ice plans on releasing more items as part of the collaboration.
Prices for Fortnite x King Ice jewelry
The prices for all jewelry items included in the Fortnite King Ice collaboration are listed below:
- Fortnite x King Ice - Mythic Prized Lama Necklace - $100.00
- Fortnite x King Ice - Victory Crown Necklace - $80.00
- Fortnite x King Ice - Victory Crown Ring - $80.00
- Fortnite x King Ice - Nanner Buddy Bracelet - $60.00
- Fortnite x King Ice - Cuddlebear Cutie Bracelet - $60.00
These prices are taken from the official King Ice website. So if you want jewelry inspired by characters like Cuddle Team Leader and Peely, visit the King Ice website to see if there's anything to your liking.
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