Epic Games has introduced Fortnite Zero Build Trials as the no-build LTM continues to grow popular. Players will now be able to receive free rewards by playing the Zero Build LTM and completing different goals.
The 5-day-long event offers exciting new rewards for each day of play. These cosmetic rewards aren't that hard to earn, and players will also get the opportunity to earn them even if they miss a day.
Fortnite Zero Build Trials have already begun as of April 6, 2022, and will end on April 10, 2022, at 9:00 AM PDT. Day one of the challenges will end in 16 hours from the time of writing or 9 PM PDT.
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Everything we know about Fortnite Zero Build Trials
Signing up for the Zero Build Trials is extremely easy. Players can visit the official website for the challenges and log in using their Epic Games ID. Logging into the website counts as signing up for the challenges. Players can start playing the Zero Build LTM to stack up their progress and earn free rewards.
Each day, players have a chance to win a free new cosmetic spray by getting one elimination in the Zero Build LTM. Moreover, if players manage to stack 30 eliminations in a single day, they will also earn the bonus reward for reaching the goal of the day.

Players can earn these rewards only in the Zero Build LTM. Getting kills in any other playlist will not count towards progress in the Zero Build Trials. After the first four days of fresh rewards, Epic Games is offering all four rewards on the fifth day in case players miss any particular cosmetic.
All the free rewards in Fortnite Zero Build Trials
Players can earn four different free sprays by completing daily challenges from the Zero Build Trials. Each day offers a new free spray for getting one elimination in the Zero Build LTM. Following are the rewards that players can earn for free:
- SMG Slone Spray
- Flying Focus Spray
- Wild Shot Spray
- Ready for Combat Spray

There is also a bonus reward for reaching the bonus goal. If players manage to get 30 eliminations in the Zero Build LTM in a single day, they can get the Boosted Groundsurfer Glider for free.
Visit the official Zero Build Trials website to sign up for the challenges and start earning free rewards.