The Sideways is a brand new dimension for Fortnite players to explore. It can be accessed through one main POI that will change every match. It will always be denoted on the map, so players can reliably land there and get inside. They can also find Sideways Anomalies, which will be randomly placed throughout the map and will also change every match.
Once inside, Fortnite players have the dubious task of defeating waves of Cube Monsters, which are akin to the Fortnitemares monsters of Chapter 1. Here's a look at how to effectively deal with Cube Monsters in The Sideways.
How to deal with Fortnite Cube Monsters
Cube Monsters are killed the same way players, wildlife, and previous versions of the monsters have been killed: with guns. They'll drop ammo just like the Fortnitemares monsters did, and that can help players continue killing them.
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The Sideways has low gravity but prohibits players from building. This makes it so that there are very few defensive tactics available when fighting the Cube Monsters. Players should have loot prior to entering the Sideways because the loot found there isn't available until they complete an encounter.
Tall and rocky Cube Monsters will also spawn endlessly and will hunt players down. Fortnite players can kill them with their weapons and even their pickaxe, though that is not recommended. Upon death, they’ll drop ammo and sometimes Cube Monster parts, which can be used to upgrade the Sideways weapons, which can be found there.
To get the brand new Sideways Rifle and Sideways Minigun, players will need to find and loot Sideways chests. These chests are dark purple and make a different noise compared to regular chests, so they are easy to notice.

There is one key difference when entering through the Sideways zone or through Sideways Anomalies. Anomalies have the potential to collapse and put players back on the regular map. There will be a progress bar, and players will have the chance to defeat entire waves and unlock weapons before the anomaly collapses.