Fortnite players land at their chosen point of interest (POI) with one initial goal: to find the best loot. It's true that every player's ultimate goal is to eliminate everyone they come across and achieve Victory Royale status. But that is made very difficult without good loot.
Purple and gold, or Epic and Legendary, are the top two rarities for weapons (excluding Mythic) and are usually significantly better than their lesser counterparts.

The P90 is better than the regular SMG, and the SCAR is superior to the regular AR. Finding these caliber of weapons can be difficult, but it seems that in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 8, there's a way to do it pretty easily. Here's how to do so.
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Infinite gold and purple weapons in Fortnite
YouTuber GKI has discovered a pretty foolproof method of getting purple and gold weapons over and over again. It involves the new crows which drop weapons of such caliber upon their death.
According to GKI, a lot of crows spawn at the small inlet at the top right-hand side of the map, just to the northwest of Steamy Stacks. Stand there for a few seconds, and multiple birds flow in and land on the same rock. The purple glowing birds will drop the loot while the others will drop meat, just like other wildlife.
Fortnite players will need a friend to eliminate all the crows in Steamy Stacks for this to work. After that, the birds will begin flowing in and are a relatively easy kill. However, they do spook easily, so players should be very still and aim carefully, otherwise the crows will fly away and become much more difficult to kill.
There appears to be no end to the amount of crows that fly in and it doesn't seem like a glitch either, so Epic Games is less likely to release a patch for this at any point. It may just be a great way to loot up for the entirety of Chapter 2 Season 8.