In a new groundbreaking collaboration between Epic Games and famous comedian Trevor Noah, Fortnite players will be treated to a unique and hilarious experience with the introduction of the JokeNite Creative 2.0 experience. This Creative game mode has been built by Epic Games in the Unreal Engine for Fortnite (UEFN), and it offers players an opportunity to enjoy tiny, bite-sized comedy sets from four renowned comedians.
JokeNite is set to add another milestone to the gaming experience in Chapter 5 Season 1, with the experience offering players more than the usual battles and building. In the JokeNite experience, you can immerse yourself in the world of comedy.
How to access the JokeNite game mode produced by Trevor Noah in Fortnite
Fortnite Island Code and how to join
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In order to join in on the fun experience of the JokeNite game with the Creative 2.0 Island Code 6296-7829-6524, you will have to follow the following steps:
- In the lobby, navigate to the search icon in the top bar.
- Here, you can find the option to enter the Island Code for the JokeNite game mode.
- Use the Island Code 6296-7829-6524 and select the JokeNite experience.
- After joining the game mode, you can head to the designated stage area to catch the comedy sets.
Cast of comedians
The comedy sets in the JokeNite experience will be helmed by four different comedians, namely Matthew Broussard (Cuddle King), Marcia Belsky (Opai), Scott Seiss (Grill Sergeant), and Preacher Lawson (Wailing Warrior). All four comedians will be available for performances in the game mode and, interestingly enough, will have their unique in-game avatars to present themselves in the virtual realm.
At the beginning of the UEFN-built experience, players will be asked to vote on what performances they want to see on the stage. And in case players do not vote for one particular performance, they will be treated to a mega medley of all four comedians' virtual avatars. The game mode also features a TV mode that players can turn on to make the experience more authentic.
UEFN's role in bringing JokeNite to life
It's important to note that Creative 2.0, also known as Unreal Engine for Fortnite, has been an instrumental part in bringing the JokeNite experience to life in the game, with the engine providing the assets required for such a feat.
With Epic Games collaborating with the renowned comedian Trevor Noah, this new collaboration showcases the potential for the different and varied experiences that Creative 2.0 can bring to the game, and with Fortnite's new collaboration with Disney on its way, it seems like it's just the beginning.