There's one feature that nearly all Fortnite players have enabled. The Visual Sound Effects feature allows players to see all audio cues in a match. Players use it most for when an opponent is nearby, as they can see the location of the footsteps.
However, it is also useful for action (building, gunfire) happening in the distance, as well as chest locations.
The feature was introduced as an aid for those with difficulty hearing or who couldn't play with volume. Unsurprisingly, it quickly became the go-to for most Fortnite players. Here's how to enable it in Chapter 3 Season 1.
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How to enable Visual Sound Effects in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 1
The first step to enable this feature is to go to settings. This can be done in the lobby or at any point during a match. The settings tab can be accessed by pressing the start button or equivalent for the console.
Clicking on the gear icon will bring up several options, the first of which is settings.
Players need to navigate to the audio section on the sixth tab on the menu. The second section, labeled "Sound,” will have the option.
The "Visualize Sound Effects" option is located towards the bottom of the section. If it's toggled to ‘Off’, players can toggle it to ‘On’. On doing so, they will be able to see all sound effects in the game.
The feature is extremely helpful, but many Fortnite pros consider it overpowered. However, this isn't necessarily a negative. SypherPK, one of the pros of the game, released a video a few weeks ago telling everyone to turn the setting on. Many other content creators have made similar statements.
Ultimately, players can use it if they want, but they don't have to. It is more of a challenge to identify where Fortnite players are without the footsteps, but many players enjoy the added difficulty.