Season 5 of Fortnite has seen a lot of collaborations. From the Predator to The Terminator, the game has seen it all.
Epic Games isn't stopping there with the collaborations either. From the looks of it, there's another collaboration that could be on the cards.
A number of easter eggs have been spotted recently. All these easter eggs indicate that the next collaboration could be with G.I. Joe. The G.I. Joe franchise is very popular in itself, and this possible collaboration was teased way back in October 2020.
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Is the next Fortnite collaboration going to be with G.I. Joe?
Donald Mustard, the Chief Creative Officer of Fortnite, loves hiding easter eggs in the background. Eagle eyed fans were quick to spot the G.I. Joe figurine which was barely visible in the background. This was the first time that the community speculated about the G.I. Joe collaboration.
The speculation with respect to Fortnite slowly died down, until recently, when Donald Mustard ended up changing his location to Arashikage on Twitter.

For those who aren't aware, the Arashikage Clan is the clan of ninjas to which Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow belong. Although they're on different sides when it comes to the battle between Cobra and the G.I. Joes, both these individuals were trained by the Arashikage Clan in Japan.
There is another clue hidden in the picture as well. If people can focus on his forearm, they'll be able to spot a small tattoo. That tattoo resembles the mark of the Arashikage Clan itself. That clan mark can be seen on Snake Eyes' shoulder plates.
In all probability, the characters on the comic book which is open in front of Donald Mustard, are Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow too. So there's a very high chance that the next collaboration that Fortnite will experience will be with G.I. Joe itself.
However, the exact skin which will arrive in the game cannot be confirmed right now. It could be a Storm Shadow skin, or it could also be a Snake Eyes skin, or it could even be both.
This is the exact same thing that happened with The Terminator easter egg in Fortnite. A few people thought it would be the Terminator, while another section of the community thought it would be Sarah Connor. Epic Games went on to surprise everyone and dropped both these characters as skins in the game.
So there's a chance that Epic Games may do the same thing this time too. However, the evidence in these tweets is enough to indicate that G.I. Joe themed content will arrive in Fortnite soon.