Another Fortnite x Star Wars collaboration is right around the corner, and its crossover event will be released on Tuesday, May 2, 2023. The inclusion will feature several new cosmetic and gameplay items. Most importantly, Anakin Skywalker will finally be available in Fortnite's Item Shop. This information was confirmed by Epic Games, although leakers have revealed other details regarding the collab.
The Fortnite x Star Wars event will be released with the next game update. Considering that Epic launched the v24.20 patch earlier in April, one can expect another major patch in early May.
Besides the collaboration, the v24.30 update will bring a lot of new content to the video game. This includes map and gameplay changes as well as cosmetic items that are not related to the crossover event.
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Fortnite x Star Wars will include Mythic weapons

From Han Solo to Darth Vader, Epic Games has released 15 Star Wars characters in Fortnite. However, this number will increase on Tuesday as the game developer will add at least one more entity, Anakin Skywalker.
His son, Luke Skywalker, was released in November 2022, while Darth Vader was featured in the Chapter 3 Season 3 Battle Pass. The new skin, however, will show Anakin as a Jedi long before he embraced the dark side.
According to Hypex, a popular Fortnite leaker, the upcoming Fortnite x Star Wars event will feature new Mythic weapons. Due to this, fans can expect the Mythic lightsaber to return to Epic's BR title for a limited time.
In addition to this, Epic Games will also release Mythic items that use the Force. These will likely be similar to the Marvel superhero powers that were available during Chapter 2 Season 4. The leaker also claims that multiple skins will be launched with the collab.
Many players have asked Epic Games to release lightsabers as cosmetics, so it'll be interesting to see if this happens with the next Fortnite x Star Wars event. If these items come to the Item Shop, there is no doubt that they will be extremely popular.