According to the latest rumors, Fortnite Avatar The Last Airbender collaboration could be coming soon. The information was brought to light exclusively by veteran leaker/data-miner iFireMonkey. Although no source is mentioned, given his reputation and ability, this could be true.
That said, the Fortnite Avatar The Last Airbender collaboration will be dynamic in nature. Unlike collaborations that simply feature cosmetics, this one will feature a lot more content as well.
On that note, here is what you can expect if and when things come to fruition.
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Fortnite Avatar The Last Airbender collaboration: Everything we know so far
According to iFireMonkey, the collaboration will feature a Mid-Season Event Pass. This is similar to what was done in the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles collaboration. As such, you can expect to see freebies and paid cosmetics featured in the Event Pass.
The Appa Glider will be up for grabs by collecting six books. It is a questline, but details about it are still largely unknown. You will also be able to claim for free Aang Fortnite Style and Aang LEGO Style. Aside from these, there will be in-game challenges as well to complete to earn points to unlock cosmetics.
According to the information, the cosmetics featured in the Mid-Season Event Pass will likely be added to the Item Shop. However, this will not happen immediately. It will take some time for it to be un-vaulted. Perhaps two to three seasons at most. This is similar to what was done for the Yuji Itadori skin in Fortnite.
When could the Fortnite Avatar The Last Airbender collaboration start?
Although the information was brought to light by iFireMonkey (who is indeed very reliable) there is no timeline in place. As such, it's impossible to state when the collaboration will start. The only clue is that it ends on May 3, 2024. However, this is subject to change based on Epic Games' discretion.
As such, it would seem that the collaboration is slated for Fortnite Chapter 5 Season 2, but the exact date remains unknown. More information about the Fortnite Avatar The Last Airbender collaboration will likely come to light over the next few weeks.